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Hame infra

diagram of AWS resources and their connections to software and APIs


Run these steps the first time.

  1. Install Terraform and aws cli
  2. Create an AWS access key and store it locally in a credentials file ( see AWS Configuration basics and Where are the configuration settings stored for more info)
  3. To manage existing instances, install sops to decrypt encrypted variable files in the repository.

Multi-factor authentication (MFA)

For most AWS accounts, MFA is required. You will get 400 or 403 error when running terraform with just the right access key. To set up MFA, install both AWS CLI and jq, and make sure you have aws and jq in path. Execute the []( script with the AWS arn of your MFA device and current MFA access code, and finally run . /tmp/aws-mfa-token to temporarily set the correct MFA environment variables in your shell. By default, the MFA session token will last for 12 hours.

Terraform workspaces

Use terraform workspaces to manage different deployments. The state of each deployment is stored in a workspace located in an S3 bucket. To list existing workspaces in S3, run terraform workspace list. To create a new workspace, run terraform workspace new your-deployment. To switch to a workspace, run terraform workspace select your-deployment.

Managing existing instances

To manage existing instances, activate the corresponding terraform workspace e.g. terraform workspace select hame-dev and decrypt encrypted variable file by running e.g. sops -d hame-dev.tfvars.enc.json > hame-dev.tfvars.json.

To make changes to instances, first check that your variables and current infra is up to date with terraform state:

terraform init
terraform plan --var-file hame-dev.tfvars.json

This should report that terraform state is up to date with infra and configuration. You may make changes to configuration or variables and run terraform plan --var-file hame-dev.tfvars.json again to check what your changes would mean to the infrastructure.

When you are sure that you want to change AWS infra, run

terraform apply --var-file hame-dev.tfvars.json

Please verify that the reported changes are desired, and respond yes to apply the changes to infrastructure.

Adding ssh tunneling users

The most common infrastructure task is to add/removes ssh keys on the ssh tunneling EC2 server. They are defined in the hame-dev.tfvars.json bastion_ec2_tunnel_public_keys field.

Note that adding user data with terraform requires the EC2 server to be replaced for the changes to take effect. This also changes the IP, which is why the tunneling server has an address The DNS record will be changed when you replace the server.

Therefore, after adding a new ssh key to bastion_ec2_tunnel_public_keys, to get the new user data to server and get the address pointing to the correct (new) IP address, you must run terraform with

terraform apply --var-file hame-dev.tfvars.json -replace aws_instance.bastion-ec2-instance

This recreates the bastion server with new user data and new IP and updates the DNS record accordingly. Also, this means the server host key changes when you add new ssh keys.

Configuring new instances

  1. To create a new instance of hame-ryhti, copy hame.tfvars.sample.json to a new file called hame-your-deployment.tfvars.json.
  2. Create an IAM user for CI/CD and take down the username and credentials. This can be used to configure CD deployment from Github. If CD is already configured, fill in existing user in AWS_LAMBDA_USER part in hame-your-deployment.tfvars.json. Fill credentials in Github secrets AWS_LAMBDA_UPLOAD_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_LAMBDA_UPLOAD_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.
  3. Change the values in hame-your-deployment.tfvars.json as required
  4. Create zip packages for the lambda functions by running make build-lambda -C .. (this has to be done only once since github actions can be configured to update functions).

Deploying instances

To launch new instances, run the following commands:

terraform init
terraform apply --var-file hame-your-deployment.tfvars.json

Note: Setting up the instances takes a couple of minutes.

Configuring X-Road ( Palveluväylä) access

A simple X-Road security server sidecar container is included in the Terraform configuration. If you need to connect your Hame-Ryhti instance to Palveluväylä to transfer official plan data to Ryhti, manual configuration is required. After going through the steps below, the configuration is saved in your AWS database and Elastic File System, and it is reused when you boot or update the X-Road security server container.

This is because you need to apply for a separate permit for your subsystem to be connected to the Palveluväylä, as well as a separate permit to connect to the Ryhti X-Road APIs once your X-Road server works. Follow the steps below:

  1. You must apply for permission to join the Palveluväylä test environment first: Liittyminen kehitysympäristöön. For the permission application, you will need

    • a client name for your new client, which Palveluväylä requires to be of the form servicename-organization-client. So in our case ryhti-<your_organization>-client, e.g. ryhti-vsl-client. Set the client name as your terraform variable x-road_subdomain.
    • a proper domain name for your x-road server. This can be set using the terraform variables AWS_HOSTED_DOMAIN and x-road_host. The complete domain name for your X-road server will be ${var.x-road_host}.${var.x-road_subdomain}.${var.AWS_HOSTED_DOMAIN}. Note that if you have multiple x-road environments (e.g. test and production) for the same organization, the subdomain will be the same (as the x-road client name will be the same in test and production). The host name should uniquely determine your x-road server instance as test or production instance for that organization. When your application is accepted, you are provided with the configuration anchor file needed later.
  2. Create an SSH key and add the public key to bastion_ec2_tunnel_public_keys in hame-your-deployment.tfvars.json.

  3. Fill in the desired admin username and password in x-road_secrets, your desired x-road_db_password (password for x-road database) and your desired x-road_token_pin (for accessing authentication tokens), in hame-your-deployment.tfvars.json.

  4. Apply the variables to AWS with terraform apply --var-file hame-your-deployment.tfvars.json.

  5. Check the private IP address of your hame-your-deployment-x-road_securityserver service task under your AWS Elastic Container Service hame-your-deployment-x-road_securityserver cluster in your AWS web console.

  6. Open an SSH tunnel to the X-Road server admin interface (e.g. ssh -N -L4001:<private-ip>:4000 -i "~/.ssh/hame-ec2-tunnel.pem" ec2-user@hame-your-deployment.<bastion_subdomain>.<aws_hosted_domain>, where hame-ec2-tunnel.pem contains your SSH key created in step 2, and bastion_subdomain and aws_hosted_domain are the settings in your hame-your-deployment.tfvars.json).

  7. Point your web browser to https://localhost:4001. The connection must be HTTPS, and you must ignore the warning about invalid SSL certificate: the hostname is localhost instead of the server IP because of the SSH tunneling, and the certificate does not know that.

  8. Log in to the https://localhost:4001 admin interface with your x-road secrets that you selected in step 3.

  9. Configure your X-Road server following the general X-Road security server installation guide Chapter 3.3 (Configuration). Here, you will need the configuration anchor file provided when registering in step 1.

  10. Configure your X-Road server certificates following Liityntäpalvelimen liittäminen testi- tai tuotantoympäristöön. This enables you to join the national X-Road Test instance (FI-TEST), once your certificates have been successfully signed by DVV and you have imported them back. During signing, if your domain is not registered as being owned by your client organization, DVV might request you to verify your possession of the public hostname ${var.x-road_host}.${var.x-road_subdomain}.${var.AWS_HOSTED_DOMAIN} by adding a TXT record to the public hostname. Do this using terraform variable x-road_verification_record. Inside the private network, the same hostname is set to point to our X-Road server container.

  11. You must activate your imported server authentication key in X-road Admin (Clients and certificates > SIGN and AUTH keys > TOKEN: SOFTTOKEN-0 > AUTH Keys and Certificates > click on DVV TEST Service Certificates and click Activate). Make sure that both Authentication key and Signing key shows up as Good with STATUS Registered.

  12. Apply for permission for a subsystem to connect to X-Road following the instructions at Uuden alijärjestelmän liittäminen liityntäpalvelimeen ja sen poistaminen, and follow the instructions for adding the subsystem in your admin interface.

  13. When the subsystem is added and shows as registered, make sure to allow connections to your subsystem using HTTP in our internal network, by selecting the client connection type HTTP with the instructions below: Communication with information systems.

  14. You may now try out X-Road test APIs to verify that your X-road server processes requests correctly: Palveluväylän testipalvelut.

For testing purposes, you have to open the port 8080 from the AWS bastion security group to the AWS X-road server security group, i.e. for the duration of the tests, add

# TESTING ONLY: Allow traffic from bastion to x-road server client port
resource "aws_security_group_rule" "x-road-bastion-test" {
  description       = "X-road allow traffic from bastion"
  type              = "ingress"

  from_port         = 8080
  to_port           = 8080
  protocol          = "tcp"

  source_security_group_id =
  security_group_id =

to In production setup, only the lambda functions may access the X-road server.

When the port is opened, you may try out the Palveluväylän testipalvelut X-road requests on your SSH server. On the SSH server the test HTTP (not HTTPS!) request will be

curl -k -H 'X-Road-Client: FI-TEST/MUN/${var.x-road_member_code}/${var.x-road_subdomain}' -H 'accept: application/json'  -i http://${var.x-road_host}.${var.x-road_subdomain}.${var.AWS_HOSTED_DOMAIN}:8080/r1/FI-TEST/GOV/0245437-2/TestService/rest-test/random

, filling in all the variables from your hame-your-deployment.tfvars.json, and it should return JSON containing a random number.

Don't forget to remove any added port openings for production use, since we don't want to allow SSH server users to directly connect to X-Road, bypassing our client.

  1. Once you are properly connected to X-road, to get permission to access X-Road Ryhti APIs, your organization must fill in an application with SYKE: Tiedon tallentamisen rajapintapalvelut. For API application, you need the public static IP of your X-Road server (xroad_ip_address in terraform output), as well as the full domain name of your X-Road server (${var.x-road_host}.${var.x-road_subdomain}.${var.AWS_HOSTED_DOMAIN}). SYKE will give you a Ryhti client id and secret, which you must fill in as variables syke_xroad_client_id and syke_xroad_client_secret in your hame-your-deployment.tfvars.jsonfile and deploy them.

  2. After SYKE have allowed access from your public IP, similarly to step 14, you must temporarily open the port 8080 if you want to test connecting to the SYKE Ryhti X-Road API from the SSH server with

curl -k -H 'X-Road-Client: FI-TEST/MUN/${var.x-road_member_code}/${var.x-road_subdomain}' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -i http://${var.x-road_host}.${var.x-road_subdomain}.${var.AWS_HOSTED_DOMAIN}:8080/r1/FI-TEST/GOV/0996189-5/Ryhti-Syke-service/planService/api/Status/health

, filling in all the variables from your hame-your-deployment.tfvars.json again. The API should respond with 401 Unauthorized, because you haven't authenticated yet. Try out authenticating with

curl -k -H 'X-Road-Client: FI-TEST/MUN/${var.x-road_member_code}/${var.x-road_subdomain}' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '"${var.syke_xroad_client_secret}"' -i -X POST http://${var.x-road_host}.${var.x-road_subdomain}.${var.AWS_HOSTED_DOMAIN}:8080/r1/FI-TEST/GOV/0996189-5/Ryhti-Syke-service/planService/api/Authenticate?clientId=${var.syke_xroad_client_id}

, filling in the client id and client secret that SYKE provided you with. The API should respond with a long string, which will be your authentication token. Now you can try the health check endpoint again, adding the token to the request, with

curl -k -H 'X-Road-Client: FI-TEST/MUN/${var.x-road_member_code}/${var.x-road_subdomain}' -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer {authentication token that you received}' -i http://${var.x-road_host}.${var.x-road_subdomain}.${var.AWS_HOSTED_DOMAIN}:8080/r1/FI-TEST/GOV/0996189-5/Ryhti-Syke-service/planService/api/Status/health

If everything works correctly, the health endpoint should return {"entries":{"RyhtiDbContext":{"data":{},"duration":"00:00:00.0184940","status":"Healthy","tags":[]}},"status":"Healthy","totalDuration":"00:00:00.0188119"} or something similar.

Congratulations! You now have access to X-Road Ryhti APIs!

Don't forget to remove any added port openings for production use, since we don't want to allow SSH server users to directly connect to X-Road, bypassing our client.

Teardown of instances

Shut down and destroy the instances with terraform destroy --var-file hame-your-deployment.tfvars.json

Manual interactions

You can interact with the lambda functions using the Makefile.

For example migrate the database with make migrate-db