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The described setup will work stable for setups with:

  • around 3500 updates/s for the ngsi-ld endpoint
  • ~7700 req/s for single entity retrieval requests for the ngsi-ld endpoint
  • depending on the type of query, between 3500 and 5000 req/s for queries on the ngsi-ld endpoint
  • around 3800-3900 single value updates/s for the v2 endpoint
  • ~6400 req/s for single entity retrieval requests for the v2 endpoint
  • depending on the type of query, between 1800 and 2200 req/s for queries on the v2 endpoint

Detailed reports can be found here:



⚠️ Be aware that mongo uses a node-affinity configuration in that config. Due to the resource requirements of the single instances, we select the nodes by the label "workload=mongo". You can set node labels via kubectl label nodes <NODE_NAME> workload=mongo on k8s or oc label node <NODE_NAME> workload=mongo in an openshift environment.

Add helm repos:

helm repo add fiware
helm repo add bitnami
helm repo update

Install charts:

helm install mongo bitnami/mongodb -f config/mongo.yaml --namespace fiware
helm install orion-test fiware/orion -f config/orion.yaml --namespace fiware

Optimizations: To improve performance, you should set an index on the mongodb as following:

kubectl run --namespace fiware mongo-mongodb-client --rm --tty -i --restart='Never' --env="MONGODB_ROOT_PASSWORD=$MONGODB_ROOT_PASSWORD" --image --command -- bash
mongo admin --host "mongo-mongodb-0.mongo-mongodb-headless.fiware.svc.cluster.local:27017,mongo-mongodb-1.mongo-mongodb-headless.fiware.svc.cluster.local:27017"
> use orion
> db.entities.createIndex({"_id.servicePath": 1, "": 1, "_id.type": 1});

Run test:

helm install orion-ldt ../../helm/orion-loadtest/ -n fiware -f ./testReports/orion-ld/small/reports/<ENDPOINT>/<SCENARIO>/test.yaml

Get the results:

kubectl proxy --port 8002

to see a local report go to http://localhost:8002/api/v1/namespaces/fiware/services/orion-ldt-orion-loadtest:8080/proxy/ or click this report link when running locally