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Mimic API adopted for Bukkit.


Mimic uses ServicesManager to store MimicServices.

Available services:

How to use Mimic APIs?

Firstly you should make sure Mimic is enabled:

private boolean checkMimicEnabled() {
    if (!getServer().getPluginManager().isPluginEnabled("Mimic")) {
        getLogger().severe("Mimic is required for the plugin!");
        return false;

    // You can also check if Mimic version is right
    if (!MimicApiLevel.checkApiLevel(MimicApiLevel.VERSION_0_7)) {
        getLogger().severe("Required at least Mimic 0.7!");
        return false;

    return true;

If you want to make Mimic hard dependency for your plugin, you can add it to the depend list in plugin.yml. Another way is to add it to softdepend and show a clear error message to the server owner what he should to do:

public void onEnable() {
    if (!checkMimicEnabled()) {
        getLogger().severe("Download latest version here:");

Mimic uses ServicesManager to hold API implementations and each API implements interface MimicService. You can load needed APIs in onEnable of your plugin:

Mimic mimic = Mimic.getInstance();

BukkitLevelSystem levelSystem = mimic.getLevelSystem(player);
BukkitClassSystem classSystem = mimic.getClassSystem(player);
BukkitPlayerInventory inventory = mimic.getPlayerInventory(player);
BukkitItemsRegistry itemsRegistry = mimic.getItemsRegistry();

Now you can use APIs:

// LevelSystem and ClassSystem holds a weak reference to a player object
// and should not live a long time.
int playerLevel = levelSystem.getLevel();

String playerPrimaryClass = classSystem.getPrimaryClass();
boolean isMage = classSystem.hasOneOfClasses(Arrays.asList("Mage", "Druid", "Necromancer"));

// ItemsRegistry is not related to player so it can be used without provider
ItemStack stick = itemsRegistry.getItem("minecraft:stick");
boolean isStickMagic = itemsRegistry.isSameItem(stick, "customitems:magic_wand");
boolean isMagicStickExists = itemsRegistry.isItemExists("customitems:magic_wand");
Full example
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.plugin.ServicesManager;
import ru.endlesscode.mimic.classes.BukkitClassSystem;
import ru.endlesscode.mimic.items.BukkitItemsRegistry;
import ru.endlesscode.mimic.level.BukkitLevelSystem;

import java.util.Arrays;

public class MyPlugin extends JavaPlugin {

    private static Mimic mimic = null;

    public static BukkitLevelSystem getLevelSystem(Player player) {
        return mimic.getLevelSystem(player);

    public static BukkitClassSystem getClassSystem(Player player) {
        return mimic.getClassSystem(player);

    public static BukkitItemsRegistry getItemsRegistry() {
        return mimic.getItemsRegistry();

    public void onEnable() {
        if (!checkMimicEnabled()) {
            getLogger().severe("Download latest version here:");

        mimic = Mimic.getInstance();

    private boolean checkMimicEnabled() {
        if (!getServer().getPluginManager().isPluginEnabled("Mimic")) {
            getLogger().severe("Mimic is required for the plugin!");
            return false;

        // You can also check if Mimic version is right
        if (!MimicApiLevel.checkApiLevel(MimicApiLevel.VERSION_0_6)) {
            getLogger().severe("Required at least Mimic 0.6!");
            return false;

        return true;

    // Method to demonstrate usage
    private void useApis(Player player) {
        // LevelSystem and ClassSystem holds holds weak reference to player object and should not live a long time.
        BukkitLevelSystem levelSystem = getLevelSystem(player);
        int playerLevel = levelSystem.getLevel();

        BukkitClassSystem classSystem = getClassSystem(player);
        String playerPrimaryClass = classSystem.getPrimaryClass();
        boolean isMage = classSystem.hasAnyOfClasses(Arrays.asList("Mage", "Druid", "Necromancer"));

        // ItemsRegistry is not related to player so it can be used without provider
        BukkitItemsRegistry itemsRegistry = getItemsRegistry();
        ItemStack stick = itemsRegistry.getItem("minecraft:stick");
        boolean isStickMagical = itemsRegistry.isSameItem(stick, "customitems:magic_wand");
        boolean isMagicStickExists = itemsRegistry.isItemExists("customitems:magic_wand");

How to implement API in my plugin?

Create the class implementing one of Mimic APIs. For implementations examples, look impl package in mimic-bukkit.

import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import ru.endlesscode.mimic.classes.BukkitClassSystem;

import java.util.*;

// Declare class implementing needed API. In this case we need to implement classes system.
public class MyClassSystem extends BukkitClassSystem {

    // ID used to identify your implementation, usually it matches the name of the plugin
    public static final String ID = "myplugin";

    private Map<UUID, List<String>> playersClassesMap = new HashMap<>();

    public MyClassSystem(@NotNull Player player) {

    public List<String> getClasses() {
        return playersClassesMap.get(getPlayer().getUniqueId());

When you've implemented API, register it in method onLoad of your plugin:

public void onLoad() {
    Mimic mimic = Mimic.getInstance();
    // Register your implementations and specify minimal required Mimic version for it.
    mimic.registerClassSystem(MyClassSystem::new, MimicApiLevel.CURRENT, this);

Don't use onEnable to register services. Plugins should be able to get services in onEnable and all services should be already registered.