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Star scanned event

Tkael edited this page May 26, 2019 · 20 revisions

Triggered when you complete a scan of a stellar body. When using this event in the Speech responder the information about this event is available under the event object. The available variables are as follows

  • bodyname The name of the star that has been scanned

  • chromaticity The apparent colour of the star that has been scanned

  • stellarclass The stellar class of the star that has been scanned (O, G, etc)

  • solarmass The mass of the star that has been scanned, relative to Sol's mass

  • massprobability The probablility of finding a star of this class with this mass

  • radius The radius of the star that has been scanned, in metres

  • solarradius The radius of the star that has been scanned, compared to Sol

  • radiusprobability The probablility of finding a star of this class with this radius

  • absolutemagnitude The absolute (bolometric) magnitude of the star that has been scanned

  • absolutemagnitudeprobability The cumulative probability describing the star's age, relative to other stars of the same stellar class

  • luminosity The luminosity of the star that has been scanned

  • luminosityclass The luminosity class of the star that has been scanned

  • tempprobability The probablility of finding a star of this class with this temperature

  • age The age of the star that has been scanned, in millions of years

  • ageprobability The probablility of finding a star of this class with this age

  • temperature The temperature of the star that has been scanned

  • density The average density of the star, in kg per cubic meter

  • densityprobability The cumulative probability describing the star's density, relative to other stars of the same stellarclass

  • distance The distance in LS from the main star

  • distancefromarrival The distance in LS from the main star (old - do not use... preserved for compatibility)

  • orbitalperiod The number of seconds taken for a full orbit of the main star

  • orbitalperiodprobability The cumulative probability describing the star's orbital period about the main star, relative to other stars of the same stellar class

  • rotationalperiod The number of seconds taken for a full rotation

  • rotationalperiodprobability The cumulative probability describing the stars's rotational period, relative to other stars of the same stellar class

  • semimajoraxis The semi major axis of the star's orbit, in light seconds

  • semimajoraxisprobability The cumulative probability describing the semi-major axis of the orbit of the star, relative to other stars of the same stellar class

  • eccentricity The orbital eccentricity of the star

  • eccentricityprobability The cumulative probability describing the star's orbital eccentricity, relative to other stars of the same stellar class

  • inclination The orbital inclination of the star, in degrees

  • inclinationprobability The cumulative probability describing the star's orbital inclination, relative to other stars of the same stellar class

  • periapsis The argument of periapsis of the star, in degrees

  • periapsisprobability The cumulative probability describing the stars's argument of periapsis, relative to other stars of the same stellar class

  • tilt Axial tilt for the star, in degrees (only available if DSS equipped)

  • tiltprobability The cumulative probability describing the star's orbital tilt, relative to other stars of the same stellar class

  • rings The star's rings

  • estimatedvalue The estimated value of the current scan

  • estimatedhabzoneinner The estimated inner radius of the habitable zone of the scanned star, in light seconds, not considering other stars in the system

  • estimatedhabzoneouter The estimated outer radius of the habitable zone of the scanned star, in light seconds, not considering other stars in the system

  • mainstar True if the star is the main / primary star in the star system

To respond to this event in VoiceAttack, create a command entitled ((EDDI star scanned)). The event information can be accessed using the following VoiceAttack variables

  • {DEC:EDDI star scanned absolutemagnitude} The absolute (bolometric) magnitude of the star that has been scanned
  • {DEC:EDDI star scanned absolutemagnitudeprobability} The cumulative probability describing the star's age, relative to other stars of the same stellar class
  • {DEC:EDDI star scanned age} The age of the star that has been scanned, in millions of years
  • {DEC:EDDI star scanned ageprobability} The probablility of finding a star of this class with this age
  • {TXT:EDDI star scanned bodyname} The name of the star that has been scanned
  • {TXT:EDDI star scanned chromaticity} The apparent colour of the star that has been scanned
  • {DEC:EDDI star scanned density} The average density of the star, in kg per cubic meter
  • {DEC:EDDI star scanned densityprobability} The cumulative probability describing the star's density, relative to other stars of the same stellarclass
  • {DEC:EDDI star scanned distance} The distance in LS from the main star
  • {DEC:EDDI star scanned distancefromarrival} The distance in LS from the main star (old - do not use... preserved for compatibility)
  • {DEC:EDDI star scanned eccentricity} The orbital eccentricity of the star
  • {DEC:EDDI star scanned eccentricityprobability} The cumulative probability describing the star's orbital eccentricity, relative to other stars of the same stellar class
  • {DEC:EDDI star scanned estimatedhabzoneinner} The estimated inner radius of the habitable zone of the scanned star, in light seconds, not considering other stars in the system
  • {DEC:EDDI star scanned estimatedhabzoneouter} The estimated outer radius of the habitable zone of the scanned star, in light seconds, not considering other stars in the system
  • {DEC:EDDI star scanned estimatedvalue} The estimated value of the current scan
  • {DEC:EDDI star scanned inclination} The orbital inclination of the star, in degrees
  • {DEC:EDDI star scanned inclinationprobability} The cumulative probability describing the star's orbital inclination, relative to other stars of the same stellar class
  • {DEC:EDDI star scanned luminosity} The luminosity of the star that has been scanned
  • {TXT:EDDI star scanned luminosityclass} The luminosity class of the star that has been scanned
  • {BOOL:EDDI star scanned mainstar} True if the star is the main / primary star in the star system
  • {DEC:EDDI star scanned massprobability} The probablility of finding a star of this class with this mass
  • {DEC:EDDI star scanned orbitalperiod} The number of seconds taken for a full orbit of the main star
  • {DEC:EDDI star scanned orbitalperiodprobability} The cumulative probability describing the star's orbital period about the main star, relative to other stars of the same stellar class
  • {DEC:EDDI star scanned periapsis} The argument of periapsis of the star, in degrees
  • {DEC:EDDI star scanned periapsisprobability} The cumulative probability describing the stars's argument of periapsis, relative to other stars of the same stellar class
  • {DEC:EDDI star scanned radius} The radius of the star that has been scanned, in metres
  • {DEC:EDDI star scanned radiusprobability} The probablility of finding a star of this class with this radius
  • {DEC:EDDI star scanned rotationalperiod} The number of seconds taken for a full rotation
  • {DEC:EDDI star scanned rotationalperiodprobability} The cumulative probability describing the stars's rotational period, relative to other stars of the same stellar class
  • {DEC:EDDI star scanned semimajoraxis} The semi major axis of the star's orbit, in light seconds
  • {DEC:EDDI star scanned semimajoraxisprobability} The cumulative probability describing the semi-major axis of the orbit of the star, relative to other stars of the same stellar class
  • {DEC:EDDI star scanned solarmass} The mass of the star that has been scanned, relative to Sol's mass
  • {DEC:EDDI star scanned solarradius} The radius of the star that has been scanned, compared to Sol
  • {TXT:EDDI star scanned stellarclass} The stellar class of the star that has been scanned (O, G, etc)
  • {DEC:EDDI star scanned temperature} The temperature of the star that has been scanned
  • {DEC:EDDI star scanned tempprobability} The probablility of finding a star of this class with this temperature
  • {DEC:EDDI star scanned tilt} Axial tilt for the star, in degrees (only available if DSS equipped)
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