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Signal detected event

Tkael edited this page Nov 6, 2020 · 5 revisions

Triggered when a signal source is detected. When using this event in the Speech responder the information about this event is available under the event object. The available variables are as follows

  • source The signal source

  • factionstate The faction state that triggered the signal source, if any

  • faction The faction affected by the signal source, if any

  • secondsremaining The time before the signal expires, in seconds

  • stationsignal True if the signal source is a station

  • threatlevel The risk posed by the signal source. Higher numbers are more dangerous.

  • unique True if this is the first signal of this type detected within the star system

To respond to this event in VoiceAttack, create a command entitled ((EDDI signal detected)). The event information can be accessed using the following VoiceAttack variables

  • {TXT:EDDI signal detected faction} The faction affected by the signal source, if any
  • {TXT:EDDI signal detected factionstate} The faction state that triggered the signal source, if any
  • {DEC:EDDI signal detected secondsremaining} The time before the signal expires, in seconds
  • {TXT:EDDI signal detected source} The signal source
  • {BOOL:EDDI signal detected stationsignal} True if the signal source is a station
  • {INT:EDDI signal detected threatlevel} The risk posed by the signal source. Higher numbers are more dangerous.
  • {BOOL:EDDI signal detected unique} True if this is the first signal of this type detected within the star system
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