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Jelle edited this page Oct 30, 2020 · 2 revisions

gui templates

You can find the gui templates in the guitemplates.yml file.

This is the template of the disabler gui:

  name: "       Server Recipe Toggler"
  fill-space: "10-16,19-25,28-34,37-43"
    47: PrvPage
    49: SwitchDisablerMode
    51: NxtPage
      color: base64eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzJmZjhhYWE0YjJlYzMwYmM1NTQxZDQxYzg3ODIxOTliYWEyNWFlNmQ4NTRjZGE2NTFmMTU5OWU2NTRjZmM3OSJ9fX0=
      material: "GUI_SKULL_ITEM"
      name: "Previous Page"
      - "Go to the previous page"
      glow: true
      color: base64eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOGU5YjI3ZmNjZDgwOTIxYmQyNjNjOTFkYzUxMWQwOWU5YTc0NjU1NWU2YzljYWQ1MmU4NTYyZWQwMTgyYTJmIn19fQ==
      material: "GUI_SKULL_ITEM"
      name: "&f[mode] &7- click to toggle"
      glow: true
      color: base64eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYWFiOTVhODc1MWFlYWEzYzY3MWE4ZTkwYjgzZGU3NmEwMjA0ZjFiZTY1NzUyYWMzMWJlMmY5OGZlYjY0YmY3ZiJ9fX0=
      material: "GUI_SKULL_ITEM"
      name: "Next Page"
      - "Go to the next page"
      glow: true
      color: BLUE
      material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE
      name: "&f"
      glow: false
      color: BLACK
      material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE
      name: "&f"
      glow: false

I'll quickly go over the different components of this file.

name: this specifies the name of the gui. You can also use names instead to specify multiple names for the multiple pages. So for a gui with 3 pages you could do something like:

- 'page 1'
- 'page 2'
- 'page 3'

fill-space: this specifies where the content that the plugin automatically adds gets placed. So in /recipes, all the recipes are placed in the fill space. The format is a basic, including range. For example '1-3,5' will specify the slots '1,2,3,5'.

button-mapping: this'll specify where all the buttons go. You can set the representing item in the 'template' section later on. The buttons that you can use are specific for every gui. It's best to just refer to the default templates file to see what your options are.

template: This is the section where you can specify what items go where. You can also use the ranges like described before as the keys to the template items they refer to. Watch out that the fill-space doesn't overlap as that might cause your items to be overwritten.

template items: this isn't a section, but it's an item that the template refers to. So for example 0: templateItem means that templateItem gets placed on slot 0. The template items are very advanced, and there many options.

  • material: this is the material of your item (e.g. DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE). If you use GUI_SKULL_ITEM, some other rules apply, as I'll explain later on.
  • color: this is the color of your material. This only needs to be set for stuff like glass. For 1.16.3 this is not even relevant as you can, for example, just use the "RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE" material for red glass panes. The plugin only uses this for lower-version compatibility.
  • name: This is just the name of your item. It supports &-color codes like you'd expect.
  • lore: this is a list of the lore you want to give your display item
  • glow: make your item glow like it's enchanted by setting this to true
  • using skulls: You can specify a skull by first setting the material to GUI_SKULL_ITEM, and then by setting the color to one of the following:
    • base64<insert your base64 data of the skull here>
    • uuid<insert your uuid of the skull here>
    • url<insert the url of your skull here>
    • note don't include the <> brackets in the color(!)

gui descriptions

(workbench) Recipe Editor

How to access Access this gui by right or middle-clicking a recipe in the recipes viewer. It'll also open by default when you create a new recipe.

You'll also need the 'craftenhance.edit' permission.


  • Hide a recipe
  • Set the permission of a recipe
  • Set the exact location of the recipe in the recipes viewer menu
  • Set the recipe to only match materials or also match all the meta data of items
  • Save the recipe
  • Delete the recipe

Recipes viewer

How to access Use /ceh viewer or /recipes with the permission 'craftenhance.view' to open this gui.


  • Scroll through all recipes
  • Click on recipes

(workbench) Recipe viewer

How to acess Open this by clicking on a recipe in the recipes viewer. You do need the permission of the recipe and 'craftenhance.view' to be allowed to access this viewer.


  • Click on ingredients to see how they're made
  • Go back to the previous page

recipe disabler

How to acess Open this with the command /ceh disabler and the permission 'craftenhance.edit'.


  • Switch modes
  • When in disable-mode, you can disable default server recipes by clicking on them in the gui.
  • When in enable-mode, you can enable default server recipes again that have been disabled by the plugin.
  • Scroll through all server recipes.
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