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Chop Chop Plots [Artifact] [arXiv]

Repository containing the scripts used to extract, aggregate, analyze and visualize the data generated by the benchmarks of Chop Chop and its baselines. The repository also contains the data and plots used in the Chop Chop paper. Organization:

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Extract and aggregate relevant data from the benchmarks
  3. Compute statistics on the aggregated data
  4. Plot dem stats
  5. Write a dope paper

1. Prerequisites

  • Install python3 and its packages: matplotlib, numpy, pandas
  • Compile Chop Chop to obtain the heartbeat_statistics binary
  • Coffee
  • Patience

2. Extract and aggregate data

The following assumes that each run of each system configuration has been executed. Different systems require different scripts to parse the logs but they all output .json files for uniformity. Feel free to create directories or use symbolic links to sort the evaluation files generated for the BFT-SMaRt, HotStuff and Bullshark baselines.

For comparison, the archive sorted-results-little-boy.tar.xz (435 MB decompressed) contains the directory tree, the dead symlinks and the aggregated .json files of the baselines, as used in the paper. The archive agg-data.tar.xz (83 MB decompressed) contains all the aggregated .json files needed for the plots (some duplicated from the sorted results).

2.1. Chop Chop (*.bin*.json)

The script aggregates the data from Chop Chop logs into .json. Please fill the variables at the top of the script to indicate: (1) the directory containing the compiled code of Chop Chop in order to access the heartbeat_statistics binary, (2) the directory containing the raw evaluation data, and (3) the name of the ethernet interface of the servers used to determine the total throughput of a run.

Inputs: directories containing raw evaluation files (.bin heartbeat files) as indicated in the variable DIR_RESULT at the top and in the main loop at the bottom of the script.

Outputs: one .json file per latency and per throughput per system configuration, and one .json file for line rate measurements.


2.2. BFT-SMaRt and HotStuff (*.out + *.err*.json)

The script must be run once per evaluation run. For instance, it must be run 5 times per system configuration to obtain the data used in the paper, while the script must only be run once regardless of the number of runs.


  1. bftsmart or hotstuff depending on the system configuration to parse;
  2. One or several directories DIRS that contain in total 80 .out and 80 .err files of a single run (16 honest clients + 64 load clients). The script searches for these files recursively.

Outputs: DIR.json located in the same directory as the first item in the list DIRS.

python3 bftsmart <DIRS...>
python3 hotstuff <DIRS...>

2.3. Bullshark (*.out + *.err*.json)

The script must be run once per evaluation run as with The script is mostly copied from the original Bullshark's The main changes are around lines 375 to generate a .json containing the latency distribution and to include the logs of the worker nodes.

Inputs: a directory DIR that contains the .out and .err files of a single run. The script searches for these files recursively.

Outputs: DIR.easier-log.json located in the same directory as DIR.

python3 <DIR>

3. Stats (agg-data/*.jsonstats/*.csv)

The script computes statistics on all the aggregated .json from all the runs of all the system configurations.

Inputs: aggregated .json files in agg-data/, the exact location of each file can be found at the bottom of the script.

Outputs: one statistics .csv file per system configuration stored in stats/. The stats/ directory is already populated with the files used in the paper.


4. Plot (stats/*.csvfigs/*.pdf)

The script generates plots from the previously computed statistics. with helper functions and variables in

Inputs: statistical data in stats/, the exact location of each .csv file can be found at the bottom of the script.

Outputs: plots in .pdf format stored in figs/, the exact location of each pdf can be found at the end of each function. Functions that start with an underscore (e.g. _plotCommaSingle) contain older code that generates figures that are not in the paper. See to generate .eps in addition to .pdf.


Directory figs/ is already populated with the figures used in the paper:

  • Fig 1: motivation-throughput-services.pdf
  • Fig 7: comma-split.pdf
  • Fig 8: merged-distillation-payloed-sizes.pdf (let's keep the typo)
  • Fig 9: linerate-throughput-log.pdf
  • Fig 10: merged-system-sizes-matching-trusted-resources.pdf
  • Fig 11: merged-servers-faults-applications.pdf

5. Write paper

TODO. Input welcome.


Beautiful plots for a beautiful protocol






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