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arXiv Hugging Face Models License

Official PyTorch implementation of "TransNeXt: Robust Foveal Visual Perception for Vision Transformers" [CVPR 2024] .

🤗 Don’t hesitate to give me a ⭐️, if you are interested in this project!


2024.06.08 We have created an explanatory video for our paper. You can watch it on YouTube or BiliBili.

2024.04.20 We have released the complete training and inference code, pre-trained model weights, and training logs!

2024.02.26 Our paper has been accepted by CVPR 2024! 🎉

2023.11.28 We have submitted the preprint of our paper to Arxiv

2023.09.21 We have submitted our paper and the model code to OpenReview, where it is publicly accessible.

Current Progress

✔️ Release of model code and CUDA implementation for acceleration.

✔️ Release of comprehensive training and inference code.

✔️ Release of pretrained model weights and training logs.

Motivation and Highlights

  • Our study observes unnatural visual perception (blocky artifacts) prevalent in the ERF of many visual backbones. We found that these artifacts, related to the design of their token mixers, are common in existing efficient ViTs and CNNs, and are difficult to eliminate through deep layer stacking. Our proposed pixel-focused attention and aggregated attention, designed through biomimicry, have provided a very effective solution for the artifact phenomenon, achieving natural and smooth visual perception.


  • Our study reevaluates the conventional belief of superior multi-scale adaptability in CNNs over ViTs. We highlight two key findings:

    • Existing large-kernel CNNs (RepLKNet, SLaK) exhibit a drastic performance degradation in multi-scale inference.
    • Our proposed TransNeXt, employing length-scaled cosine attention and extrapolative positional bias, significantly outperforms ConvNeXt in largescale image extrapolation.


Pixel-focused attention (Left) & aggregated attention (Right):


Convolutional GLU (First on the right):

Convolutional GLU


Image Classification, Detection and Segmentation:


Attention Visualization:


Model Zoo

Image Classification

Classification code & weights & configs & training logs are >>>here<<<.

ImageNet-1K 224x224 pre-trained models:

Model #Params #FLOPs IN-1K IN-A IN-C↓ IN-R Sketch IN-V2 Download Config Log
TransNeXt-Micro 12.8M 2.7G 82.5 29.9 50.8 45.8 33.0 72.6 model config log
TransNeXt-Tiny 28.2M 5.7G 84.0 39.9 46.5 49.6 37.6 73.8 model config log
TransNeXt-Small 49.7M 10.3G 84.7 47.1 43.9 52.5 39.7 74.8 model config log
TransNeXt-Base 89.7M 18.4G 84.8 50.6 43.5 53.9 41.4 75.1 model config log

ImageNet-1K 384x384 fine-tuned models:

Model #Params #FLOPs IN-1K IN-A IN-R Sketch IN-V2 Download Config
TransNeXt-Small 49.7M 32.1G 86.0 58.3 56.4 43.2 76.8 model config
TransNeXt-Base 89.7M 56.3G 86.2 61.6 57.7 44.7 77.0 model config

ImageNet-1K 256x256 pre-trained model fully utilizing aggregated attention at all stages:

(See Table.9 in Appendix D.6 for details)

Model Token mixer #Params #FLOPs IN-1K Download Config Log
TransNeXt-Micro A-A-A-A 13.1M 3.3G 82.6 model config log

Object Detection

Object detection code & weights & configs & training logs are >>>here<<<.

COCO object detection and instance segmentation results using the Mask R-CNN method:

Backbone Pretrained Model Lr Schd box mAP mask mAP #Params Download Config Log
TransNeXt-Tiny ImageNet-1K 1x 49.9 44.6 47.9M model config log
TransNeXt-Small ImageNet-1K 1x 51.1 45.5 69.3M model config log
TransNeXt-Base ImageNet-1K 1x 51.7 45.9 109.2M model config log
  • When we checked the training logs, we found that the mask mAP and other detailed performance of the Mask R-CNN using the TransNeXt-Tiny backbone were even better than reported in the paper (versions V1 and V2). We have already fixed this in version V3 (it should be a data entry error).

COCO object detection results using the DINO method:

Backbone Pretrained Model scales epochs box mAP #Params Download Config Log
TransNeXt-Tiny ImageNet-1K 4scale 12 55.1 47.8M model config log
TransNeXt-Tiny ImageNet-1K 5scale 12 55.7 48.1M model config log
TransNeXt-Small ImageNet-1K 5scale 12 56.6 69.6M model config log
TransNeXt-Base ImageNet-1K 5scale 12 57.1 110M model config log

Semantic Segmentation

Semantic segmentation code & weights & configs & training logs are >>>here<<<.

ADE20K semantic segmentation results using the UPerNet method:

Backbone Pretrained Model Crop Size Lr Schd mIoU mIoU (ms+flip) #Params Download Config Log
TransNeXt-Tiny ImageNet-1K 512x512 160K 51.1 51.5/51.7 59M model config log
TransNeXt-Small ImageNet-1K 512x512 160K 52.2 52.5/52.8 80M model config log
TransNeXt-Base ImageNet-1K 512x512 160K 53.0 53.5/53.7 121M model config log
  • In the context of multi-scale evaluation, TransNeXt reports test results under two distinct scenarios: interpolation and extrapolation of relative position bias.

ADE20K semantic segmentation results using the Mask2Former method:

Backbone Pretrained Model Crop Size Lr Schd mIoU #Params Download Config Log
TransNeXt-Tiny ImageNet-1K 512x512 160K 53.4 47.5M model config log
TransNeXt-Small ImageNet-1K 512x512 160K 54.1 69.0M model config log
TransNeXt-Base ImageNet-1K 512x512 160K 54.7 109M model config log


CUDA Implementation

Before installing the CUDA extension, please ensure that the CUDA version on your machine (checked with nvcc -V) matches the CUDA version of PyTorch.

cd swattention_extension
pip install .


  • This project is built using timm, MMDetection, MMSegmentation libraries, and PVT, DeiT repositories. We express our heartfelt gratitude for the contributions of these open-source projects.
  • We also want to express our gratitude for some articles introducing this project and derivative implementations based on this project.


This project is released under the Apache 2.0 license. Please see the LICENSE file for more information.


If you find our work helpful, please consider citing the following bibtex. We would greatly appreciate a star for this project.

  author    = {Dai Shi},
  title     = {TransNeXt: Robust Foveal Visual Perception for Vision Transformers},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
  month     = {June},
  year      = {2024},
  pages     = {17773-17783}