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The Minigraph-Cactus Pangenome Pipeline

Minigraph-Cactus is included in the Cactus Software Package and is suitable for aligning similar samples, such as those from the same species. See Progressive Cactus for aligning different species.

Please cite the Minigraph-Cactus paper when using Minigraph-Cactus.

Table of Contents

Pangenome Data

Some pangenomes constructed with Minigraph-Cactus, along with all material to reproduce, can be found here.


Set up an output directory, and copy over the example seqfile (as it will be modified)

mkdir -p primates-pg
cp examples/evolverPrimates.txt primates-pg/

Make the SV graph with minigraph

cactus-minigraph ./jobstore primates-pg/ primates-pg/  \
--reference simChimp

Make the assembly-to-graph alignments with minigraph

cactus-graphmap ./jobstore primates-pg/ primates-pg/ primates-pg/primates.paf \
--reference simChimp --outputFasta primates-pg/

Create the Cactus base alignment and "raw" pangenome graph

cactus-align ./jobstore primates-pg/ primates-pg/primates.paf primates-pg/primates.hal \
--pangenome --outVG --reference simChimp 

Create and index the final pangenome graph and produce VCF files and vg-giraffe indexes.

cactus-graphmap-join ./jobstore --vg primates-pg/ --outDir ./primates-pg --outName primates-pg \
--reference simChimp --vcf --giraffe

If it worked properly, the input sequences should show up as contigs in the GFA:

zcat primates-pg/primates-pg.gfa.gz | grep '^W' | awk '{print $1 "\t" $2 "\t" $3 "\t" $4 "\t" $5 "\t" $6 }' | more
W	simChimp	0	simChimp.chr6	0	596350
W	simGorilla	0	simGorilla.chr6	0	599081
W	simHuman	0	simHuman.chr6	0	597871
W	simOrang	0	simOrang.chr6	0	591073

The reference path, which will be treated differently by some vg tools (for efficiency), will be identified in the header:

zcat primates-pg/primates-pg.gfa.gz | head -1
H	VN:Z:1.1	RS:Z:simChimp

The VCF will be based on the reference path (simChimp) and have a sample for each haplotype :

gzip -dc primates-pg/primates-pg.vcf.gz | grep CHROM -A 1
simChimp.chr6	15	>1>4	T	G	60.0	.	AC=1;AF=0.333333;AN=3;AT=>1>2>4,>1>3>4;NS=3;LV=0	GT	0	0	1

The three input files needed for giraffe are produced:

ls -hs primates-pg/primates-pg.d2.*
4.8M primates-pg/primates-pg.d2.dist  2.5M primates-pg/primates-pg.d2.gbz  6.1M primates-pg/primates-pg.d2.min

By default, --giraffe will produce frequency filtered indexes, with a default minimum coverage of 2 (hence the .d2). This means only nodes covered by two haplotypes will appear in the index. This helps vg giraffe performance considerably (though a version of Giraffe that no longer needs it is under development). The dataset here is too small for this to be useful. To index the clipped but unfiltered graph, use --giraffe clip or use --giraffe full to index the full, unclipped graph. See more detailed explanations below.


Minigraph-Cactus uses minigraph to construct a pangenome graph of structural variation in a set of input assemblies. The assemblies are then mapped back to this graph using minigraph. These mappings are used as input to Cactus to construct a new graph that contains variants of all sizes, allowing the input assemblies to be encoded as embedded paths in the graph. The graph is output in pangenome graph formats such as vg and GFA, in addition to the usual HAL.

Pangenomes from Minigraph-Cactus are indexable for and ready for read mapping with vg Giraffe.

Unlike Progressive Cactus, Minigraph-Cactus does depend on a predetermined reference genome. This genome is guaranteed to be acyclic and unclipped in the final graph. Other genomes in the graph can still be used as reference coordinate systems, however. For example, we achieved great variant calling performance when projecting mapped reads on a CHM13-referenced graph onto GRCh38.


Sample Names

The input is a two-column seqFile mapping sample names to fasta paths (gzipped fastas are supported). The seqfile is the same as Progressive Cactus, except a tree is not specified. Cactus may add a star-tree to this file, but it can be ignored.

A naming convention must be followed for sample names: The "." character is used to specify haplotype, and should be avoided in sample names unless it is being used that way. For haploid samples, just don't use a ".". For diploid or polyploid samples, use the form SAMPLE.HAPLOTYPE where HAPLOTYPE is 1 or 2 for a diploid sample etc:

# Diploid sample:
HG002.1  ./HG002.paternal.fa
HG002.2  ./HG002.maternal.fa

# Haploid sample:
CHM13  ./chm13.fa

Contig Names

Contig names in the input FASTA files should not contain # characters. If they do, you must strip them out before running. This can be done with cactus-preprocess. For example

cactus-prepare ./seqfile --outDir pp --seqFileOnly
cactus-preprocess ./seqfile pp/seqfile --pangenome

then work with pp/seqfile for the remaining commands.


  1. cactus-minigraph <jobStore> <seqFile> <outputGFA> --reference: Construct a minigraph in GFA format (may be gzipped) from a set of FASTA files (may also be gzipped). This is a very thin wrapper over minigraph -cxggs. The reference is added first and the remainder of samples are added in decreasing order of decreasing mash distance to the reference (see the minigraphSortInput parameter in the XML config to change or disable this). Use the --mapCores option to specify the number of cores.

  2. cactus-graphmap <jobStore> <seqFile> <inputGFA> <outputPAF> --reference: Map each input assembly back to the graph using minigraph. The number of cores for each mapping job can be set with --mapCores.

  3. (Optional) cactus-graphmap-split <jobStore> <seqFile> <inputGFA> <inputPAF> --reference --outDir: Split the input assemblies and PAF into chromosomes using the rGFA tags in the GFA. Doing so reduces the memory requirements in the following steps. It assigns each contig to a single chromosome according to the alignment in the input PAF, so all inter-chromosomal events will be filtered out. Contigs that can't be assigned to a chromosome are deemed "ambiguous" and not considered in later steps.

  4. cactus-align <jobStore> <seqFile> <inputPAF> <outHal> --reference --pangenome --outVG --maxLen: Compute the Cactus multiple genome alignment from the assembly-to-graph minigraph mappings. The --maxLen parameter specifies the maximum gap between minigraph mappings that Cactus will attempt to fill at once, and is recommended to be set to 10000. If cactus-graphmap-split was used, the cactus-align-batch interface should be used instead (see examples below).

  5. cactus-graphmap-join <jobStore> --vg --outDir --outName --reference: Produce the final graph and indexes. This should be run whether or not cactus-graphmap-split was used.

Clipping, Filtering and Indexing

cactus-graphmap-join merges chromosome graphs created by cactus-align-batch, and also normalizes, clips and filters the graph in addition to producing some useful indexes. It can produce up to three graphs (now in a single invocation), and a variety of indexes for any combination of them. The three graphs are the

  • full graph: This graph is normalized, but no sequence is removed. It and its indexes will have .full in their filenames.
  • clip graph: This is the default graph. Stretches of sequence >10kb that were not aligned to the underlying SV/minigraph are removed. "Dangling" nodes (ie that don't have an edge on each side) that aren't on the reference path are also removed, so that each chromosome only has two tips in the graph.
  • filter graph: This graph is made by removing nodes covered by fewer than 2 haplotypes from the clip graph. It and its indexes will have .d2 in their filenames.

The clip graph is a subgraph of the full graph and the filter graph is a subgraph of the clip graph. Put another way, any node in the filter graph exists with the exact same ID and sequence in the clip graph, etc.

The different graphs have different uses. For instance, the current version of vg giraffe performs best on the filtered graph (this will hopefully be soon remedied in an update to vg). For the HPRC v1.0 graph and paper, we used d9. When you pass --giraffe to cactus-graphmap-join, it will make the giraffe indexes on the filtered graph by default. But you can override this behaviour to produces the indexes for any of the graphs by passing in any combination of [full, clip and filter] to the --giraffe options. For example:

--giraffe: Make the giraffe indexes for the filtered graph (default choice).

--giraffe clip: Make the giraffe indexes for the clipped graph.

--giraffe clip filter: Make the giraffe indexes for both the clipped and filtered graph.

The same type of interface applies to all the output specification options: --vcf, --gbz, --gfa, --giraffe, --chrom-vg. They can all be used without arguments to apply to the default graph (generally the clip graph for everything except --giraffe which defaults to the filter graph), or with any combination of full, clip and filter to be applied to different graphs.

Note that by default, only GFA is output, so the above options need to be used to toggle on any other output types.

Different clipping and filtering thresholds can be specified using the --clip and --filter options, respectively. For larger graphs, you probably want to use --filter N where N represents about 10% of the haplotypes. It is indeed a shame to remove rarer variants before mapping, but is a necessity to get the best performance out of (the current version) of vg giraffe.

The --vcf option will produce two VCFs for each selected graph type. One VCF is a "raw" VCF which contains nested variants, indicated by the LV and PS tags. The second VCF is one that has gone through vcfbub to remove nested sites, as well as those greater than 100kb. Unless you want to explicitly handle nested variants, you are probably best to use the vcfbub VCF. Switch off vcfbub with --vcfbub 0 or specify a different threshold with --vcfbub N.

If you want to use the HAL output, cactus-graphmap-join can also merge HAL chromosomes from cactus-align-batch with the --hal option. These will never be filtered or otherwise processed.

When merging hal files with --hal, it is best to set --indexCores such that one core is free for hal merging. So on a 32-core system, use --indexCores 31. This way the slower indexing jobs can be done in parallel with the also slow hal merging (which itself is single-core).


  • hal: Cactus's native alignment format can be used to convert to MAF, build assembly hubs, run liftover and comparative annotation.
  • gfa: A standard text-based graph format. Minigraph-Cactus uses GFA 1.1 as it represents haplotypes as Walks. You can use vg convert -gfW to convert from GFA 1.1 to 1.0 and vg convert -gf to convert from 1.0 to 1.1.
  • vcf: A standard text-based format that represents a pangenome graph as sites of variation along a reference. VCFs exported from the graph are nested, and by default vcfbub is used to flatten them.
  • vg: vg's native packed-graph format, can be read and written by vg but does not scale well with the number of paths.
  • gbz: A read-only format that scales extremely efficiently with the number of paths. Readable by vg tools and required for giraffe.
  • snarls: The start and end nodes of the bubbles in the graph, as well as their nesting relationships. Used by some vg tools like call and deconstruct.
  • dist: Snarl distance index required for vg giraffe.
  • min: Minimizer index required for vg giraffe.
  • stats.tgz: Some stats about how much sequence was clipped, including a BED file of the removed sequence.

Node Chopping

The GBZ format uses 10 bits to store offsets within nodes, which imposees a 1024bp node length limit. Nodes are therefore chopped up as requried in the .gbz output (described above) to respect this limit. The index files derived from the .gbz: .snarls, .dist, and .min will share the .gbz graph's chopped ID space.

The .gfa.gz and node IDs referred to in the .vgz.gz file (via the variant IDs, AT and PS tags) are not chopped and therefore inconsistent with the .gbz. This can be very confusing when trying to, for example, locate a variant in the vcf.gz back in the .gbz using node IDs: Node X in .vcf.gz and node X in .gbz will often both exist but can be totally different parts of the graph.

If you would rather have a VCF with consistent IDs to the GBZ as opposed to GFA, you can toggle this via the config XML

sed src/cactus/cactus_progressive_config.xml -e "s/GFANodeIDsInVCF=\"1\"/GFANodeIDsInVCF=\"0\"/g" > config.xml

then pass --configFile config.xml to cactus-graphmap-join

If you want to see the mapping between the unchopped (2nd column) and chopped (3rd column) nodes, you can do so with

vg gbwt -Z  graph.gbz --translation mapping.tsv

If you want to make a GFA file with chopped nodes to be exactly equivalent to the GBZ

vg convert -f graph.gbz --vg-algorithm > graph.gfa

If you are running vg call or vg deconstruct on the GBZ yourself, the output VCF will, by default, use the chopped IDs from the GBZ. You can switch to the unchopped IDs using -O for both tools.

Yeast Graph

This is a small test case whose input data is included in cactus that illustrates how to split by chromosome.

Yeast: Getting Started

Below is an example of creating a yeast pangenome chromosome by chromosome, referenced on S288C.

# make the seqfile
mkdir -p yeast-pg
cp ./examples/yeastPangenome.txt yeast-pg/

# make the minigraph
cactus-minigraph ./jobstore  ./yeast-pg/yeastPangenome.txt ./yeast-pg/  --reference S288C

# map back to the minigraph
cactus-graphmap ./jobstore ./yeast-pg/yeastPangenome.txt ./yeast-pg/ ./yeast-pg/yeast.paf \
--outputFasta ./yeast-pg/  --reference S288C

Yeast: Splitting By Chromosome

Now the PAF and GFA minigraph output can be used to partition the graph and mappings based on the reference genome's (S288C's) chromosomes:

cactus-graphmap-split ./jobstore ./yeast-pg/yeastPangenome.txt ./yeast-pg/ \
./yeast-pg/yeast.paf --outDir yeast-pg/chroms  --reference S288C

This command makes a cactus subproblem for each reference chromosome. By default, it uses all contigs in the reference. A subset can be specified using the --refContigs option.

In this example, for instance, the chrI data can be found as follows. This is everything required to run cactus-align on it as described previously.

ls -hs yeast-pg/chroms/chrI/* yeast-pg/chroms/seqfiles/chrI.seqfile 
264K yeast-pg/chroms/chrI/chrI.gfa   44K yeast-pg/chroms/chrI/chrI.paf  4.0K yeast-pg/chroms/seqfiles/chrI.seqfile

total 656K
 68K DBVPG6044.0_chrI.fa.gz   68K S288C_chrI.fa.gz   68K UWOPS034614.0_chrI.fa.gz   72K YPS128.0_chrI.fa.gz
244K _MINIGRAPH__chrI.fa      72K SK1.0_chrI.fa.gz   64K Y12.0_chrI.fa.gz

Some contigs cannot be assigned to a reference chromosome. These end up in the _AMBIGUOUS_ directory:

ls -hs yeast-pg/chroms/_AMBIGUOUS_/*
188K yeast-pg/chroms/_AMBIGUOUS_/_AMBIGUOUS_.paf

total 1.2M
   0 DBVPG6044.0__AMBIGUOUS_.fa.gz     0 S288C__AMBIGUOUS_.fa.gz  1.2M UWOPS034614.0__AMBIGUOUS_.fa.gz     0 YPS128.0__AMBIGUOUS_.fa.gz
   0 _MINIGRAPH___AMBIGUOUS_.fa        0 SK1.0__AMBIGUOUS_.fa.gz     0 Y12.0__AMBIGUOUS_.fa.gz

Here we can see that a few contigs from UWOPS034614 were left unplaced (and would be left out of any future cactus jobs).

zcat yeast-pg/chroms/_AMBIGUOUS_/fasta/UWOPS034614__AMBIGUOUS_.fa.gz | grep '>'

The reason why these contigs are unassigned to a chromosome can normally be found in minigraph.split.log:

Query contig is ambiguous: id=UWOPS034614|chrXI  len=792116 cov=0.573045 (vs 0.5) uf=1.47861 (vs 2)
 Reference contig mappings:
  chrVII: 306989
  chrXI: 453918
Query contig is ambiguous: id=UWOPS034614|chrVIII  len=738767 cov=0.481758 (vs 0.5) uf=1.06071 (vs 2)
 Reference contig mappings:
  chrVII: 355907
  chrVIII: 335536
Query contig is ambiguous: id=UWOPS034614|chrVII  len=632616 cov=0.407576 (vs 0.5) uf= infinity (vs 2)
Assigned contig to chrXI: id=DBVPG6044|chrXI  len=695907 cov=0.972054 (vs 0.5) uf= infinity (vs 2)
Query contig is ambiguous: id=UWOPS034614|chrX  len=1092164 cov=0.49082 (vs 0.25) uf=1.04957 (vs 2)
 Reference contig mappings:
  chrX: 510741
  chrXIII: 536056

It is saying that not enough bases in these contigs aligned to a single reference chromosome, given the 50% threshold and 2X uniqueness factor. These thresholds are explained, and can be adjusted in, the <graphmap-split> section of the cactus config.

The sequence-to-graph PAF files can be refined by adding the --base option to cactus-graphmap. This can often improve the accuracy of cactus-graphmap-split. This option will be used in the HPRC example below.

Yeast: Batch Aligning the Chromosomes

cactus-align can be run individually on each chromosome using the seqFiles created above. This can be automated using the cactus-align-batch script, which takes as input a "chromFile", which is just a list of seqFiles and PAFs. Such a chromFile was generated by cactus-graphmap-split above.

The options we would normally pass directly to cactus-align must be quoted and passed via --alignOptions here:

cactus-align-batch ./jobstore ./yeast-pg/chroms/chromfile.txt yeast-pg/chrom-alignments \
--alignOptions "--pangenome --reference S288C --outVG " 

The results are a HAL and VG file, along with a cactus-align log, for each chromosome:

ls -hs yeast-pg/chrom-alignments/
total 67M
 844K chrI.hal        1012K       1.6M chrIX.hal       8.0K chrVI.hal.log     2.2M      4.0K chrXI.hal.log     2.9M        3.5M chrXV.hal
 8.0K chrI.hal.log     1.9M        8.0K chrIX.hal.log   3.0M chrVII.hal        948K       3.3M chrXII.hal        1.3M         8.0K chrXV.hal.log
 2.6M chrII.hal        748K         1.4M        4.0K chrVII.hal.log    1.5M        8.0K chrXII.hal.log    2.6M chrXIV.hal       3.0M chrXVI.hal
 8.0K chrII.hal.log    4.9M chrIV.hal       1.9M chrV.hal        1.6M chrVIII.hal       2.1M chrX.hal       2.5M chrXIII.hal       8.0K chrXIV.hal.log   8.0K chrXVI.hal.log
 1.2M chrIII.hal       8.0K chrIV.hal.log   8.0K chrV.hal.log    4.0K chrVIII.hal.log   4.0K chrX.hal.log   4.0K chrXIII.hal.log   2.2M        2.3M
 8.0K chrIII.hal.log   4.0M        1.1M chrVI.hal       1.2M        1.9M chrXI.hal      1.7M        1.7M          2.7M

Yeast: Joining the Chromosome Alignments

As in the primates example, cactus-graphmap-join is used to make the final indexes. Its use is identical, except multiple graphs are passed as input. We also pass in the HAL files so it can merge them too.

cactus-graphmap-join ./jobstore --vg yeast-pg/chrom-alignments/*.vg --hal yeast-pg/chrom-alignments/*.hal \
--outDir ./yeast-pg --outName yeast-pg --reference S288C --vcf --giraffe clip

The GFA, VCF and all vg giraffe indexes will now be in yeast-pg:

ls -hs yeast-pg/yeast-pg*
 21M yeast-pg/yeast-pg.dist      103M yeast-pg/yeast-pg.min             4.3M yeast-pg/yeast-pg.vcf.gz
 38M yeast-pg/yeast-pg.full.hal  4.6M yeast-pg/yeast-pg.raw.vcf.gz      8.0K yeast-pg/yeast-pg.vcf.gz.tbi
 16M yeast-pg/yeast-pg.gbz       8.0K yeast-pg/yeast-pg.raw.vcf.gz.tbi
 14M yeast-pg/yeast-pg.gfa.gz     16K yeast-pg/yeast-pg.stats.tgz

zcat yeast-pg/yeast-pg.gfa.gz | grep '^W' | awk '{print $1 "\t" $2 "\t" $3 "\t" $4 "\t" $5 "\t" $6 }' | grep S288C
W	S288C	0	chrIII	0	341580
W	S288C	0	chrII	0	813597
W	S288C	0	chrI	0	219929
W	S288C	0	chrIV	0	1566853
W	S288C	0	chrIX	0	440036
W	S288C	0	chrVIII	0	581049
W	S288C	0	chrVII	0	1091538
W	S288C	0	chrVI	0	271539
W	S288C	0	chrV	0	583092
W	S288C	0	chrXIII	0	930506
W	S288C	0	chrXII	0	1075542
W	S288C	0	chrXI	0	666862
W	S288C	0	chrXIV	0	777615
W	S288C	0	chrX	0	751611
W	S288C	0	chrXVI	0	954457
W	S288C	0	chrXV	0	1091343

halStats yeast-pg/yeast-pg.full.hal --sequenceStats S288C
SequenceName, Length, NumTopSegments, NumBottomSegments
chrI, 219929, 5766, 0
chrII, 813597, 15896, 0
chrIII, 341580, 7778, 0
chrIV, 1566853, 32488, 0
chrIX, 440036, 10368, 0
chrV, 583092, 12226, 0
chrVI, 271539, 6587, 0
chrVII, 1091538, 19912, 0
chrVIII, 581049, 9996, 0
chrX, 751611, 12635, 0
chrXI, 666862, 11861, 0
chrXII, 1075542, 21991, 0
chrXIII, 930506, 16183, 0
chrXIV, 777615, 17052, 0
chrXV, 1091343, 23011, 0
chrXVI, 954457, 19805, 0

Yeast: Making a UCSC Genome Browser Assembly Hub

The HAL file can be used to produce an assembly hub has follows. Note that PYTHONPATH must set as described in Cactus's installation instructions. ./jobstore ./yeast-pg/yeast-pg.full.hal yeast-pg/hub --shortLabel yeast --longLabel "yeast pangenome"

Move yeast-pg/hub to somewhere web-accessible, and pass the full URL of yeast-pg/hub/hub.txt to the Genome Browser in the "My Data -> Track Hubs" menu. Select S288C as the reference and display the hub. Right-click on the display and select "Configure yeast track set" to toggle on all the assemblies (and toggle off Anc0 and MINIGRAPH).

HPRC Graph

The Human Pangenome Reference Consortium is producing an ever-growing number of high quality phased assemblies. This section will demonstrate how to use the Minigraph-Cactus Pangenome Pipeline to construct a Pangenome from them. Note the instructions here are slightly different than were used to create the v1.0 Minigraph-Cactus pangenome that's been released by the HPRC, as they are based on a more recent and improved version of the pipeline.

The steps below are run on AWS/S3, and assume everything is written to s3://MYBUCKET. All jobs are run on r5.8xlarge (32 cores / 256G RAM) nodes. In theory, the entire pipeline could therefore be run on a single machine (ideally with 64 cores). It would take several days though. They can be run on other batch systems, at least in theory. Most of the compute-heavy tasks spawn relatively few jobs, and may be amenable to SLURM environments.

The following environment variables must be defined: MYBUCKET and MYJOBSTORE. All output will be placed in MYBUCKET, and MYJOBSTORE will be used by TOIL for temporary storage. For example

export MYBUCKET=s3://vg-k8s/vgamb/wg/cactus/GRCh38-f1g-90/may4
export MYJOBSTORE=aws:us-west-2:cactus-hprc-jobstore
export VERSION=may4

WDL / cactus-prepare support is in progress!

HPRC Graph: Setup and Name Munging

Important The Cactus-Minigraph Pipeline does not support alt contigs in the reference. If you really want them in your graph, then you will need to pull them out into separate samples (ie one alt contig per region per sample). Otherwise they will end up as separate reference contigs and not align together. As such we advice using the GRCh38 fasta file referenced in the hprc-${VERSION}-mc.seqfile generated below for any graph using GRCh38 as a reference.

The fasta sequences for the Year-1 HPRC assemblies are available here. We begin by using them to create an input seqfile for Cactus:

wget -q
grep GRCh38 Year1_assemblies_v2_genbank.index | sed -e 's/_no_alt_analysis_set\t/\t/g' | awk '{print $1 "\t" $2}' > hprc-${VERSION}-mc.seqfile
printf "CHM13v2\t\n" >> hprc-${VERSION}-mc.seqfile
tail -n +2 Year1_assemblies_v2_genbank.index | awk '{print $1 ".1\t" $2}' | grep -v CHM13 | grep -v GRCh38 >> hprc-${VERSION}-mc.seqfile
tail -n +2 Year1_assemblies_v2_genbank.index | awk '{print $1 ".2\t" $3}' | grep -v CHM13 | grep -v GRCh38 >> hprc-${VERSION}-mc.seqfile
sort -k1 hprc-${VERSION}-mc.seqfile > hprc-${VERSION}-mc.seqfile.sort ; mv hprc-${VERSION}-mc.seqfile.sort hprc-${VERSION}-mc.seqfile
sed hprc-${VERSION}-mc.seqfile -i -e 's%s3://human-pangenomics/working/%'

We have been holding out three samples for evaluation. This is, of course, optional, but can be done here with:

grep -v 'HG002\|HG005\|NA19240' hprc-${VERSION}-mc.seqfile > t && mv t hprc-${VERSION}-mc.seqfile

Also, a misjoin in HG02080#1#JAHEOW010000073.1 was manually corrected by using samtools faidx to break it into HG02080#1#JAHEOW010000073.1_sub_0_7238466 and HG02080#1#JAHEOW010000073.1_sub_7238466_12869124. The sub_X_Y (0-based, open-ended like BED) coordinates are understood by the pipeline, and the offsets will be preserved in the GFA W-lines at the end. If we don't apply this change, then path names with ":"'s will end up in the HAL which will prevent it from working with assembly hubs.

wget -q $(grep HG02080\.1 hprc-${VERSION}-mc.seqfile | tail -1 | awk '{print $2}') -O HG02080.1.fa.gz
gzip -d HG02080.1.fa.gz
samtools faidx HG02080.1.fa
keep_contigs=$(awk '{print $1}' HG02080.1.fa.fai | grep -v JAHEOW010000073\.1)
samtools faidx HG02080.1.fa ${keep_contigs} > HG02080.1.fix.fa
samtools faidx HG02080.1.fa "HG02080#1#JAHEOW010000073.1:1-7238466" | sed -e 's/\([^:]*\):\([0-9]*\)-\([0-9]*\)/echo "\1_sub_$((\2-1))_\3"/e' >> HG02080.1.fix.fa
samtools faidx HG02080.1.fa "HG02080#1#JAHEOW010000073.1:7238467-12869124" | sed -e 's/\([^:]*\):\([0-9]*\)-\([0-9]*\)/echo "\1_sub_$((\2-1))_\3"/e' >> HG02080.1.fix.fa
bgzip HG02080.1.fix.fa --threads 8
aws s3 cp HG02080.1.fix.fa.gz ${MYBUCKET}/fasta/
grep -v HG02080\.1 hprc-${VERSION}-mc.seqfile > t && mv t hprc-${VERSION}-mc.seqfile
printf "HG02080.1\t${MYBUCKET}/fasta/HG02080.1.fix.fa.gz\n" >> hprc-${VERSION}-mc.seqfile
head -4 hprc-${VERSION}-mc.seqfile

The names in these fasta files are for the form chr1, chr2, etc in CHM13 and GRCh38, and


in the other samples. The "#" symbols cannot be displayed in the UCSC Genome Browser, so it is recommended to stick to the conventions described above: where the fasta contig names are just the CONTIG, and the genome name is SAMPLE.HAPLOTYPE. Sequence names of the form SAMPLE#HAPLOTYPE#CONTIG will be replaced by default with id=GENOME|CONTIG by default by cactus-preprocess --pangenome.

We first setup a place for the renamed fasta files using cactus-prepare to generate a new seqfile, hprc-pg/hprc-${VERSION}-mc.seqfile

cactus-prepare ./hprc-${VERSION}-mc.seqfile --outDir hprc-pg --seqFileOnly
# when running on AWS, data needs to be in S3
sed hprc-pg/hprc-${VERSION}-mc.seqfile -e "s%hprc-pg%${MYBUCKET}/fasta%g" | grep -v ';' > hprc-${VERSION}-mc.pp.seqfile

# save them
aws s3 cp hprc-${VERSION}-mc.seqfile ${MYBUCKET}/
aws s3 cp hprc-${VERSION}-mc.pp.seqfile ${MYBUCKET}/

# finally, we run cactus-preprocess --pangenome
cactus-preprocess ${MYJOBSTORE} hprc-${VERSION}-mc.seqfile hprc-${VERSION}-mc.pp.seqfile --pangenome \
--batchSystem mesos --provisioner aws --defaultPreemptable --nodeType r5.8xlarge --nodeStorage 500 \
--maxNodes 2 --logFile hprc-${VERSION}-mc-grch38.pp.log

HPRC Graph: Mapping to the Graph

Note: since there is already a minigraph available for this data, we just use it instead of constructing it ourselves. See the previous examples for how to construct a minigraph with cactus-minigraph.

Now that the sequences are ready, we run cactus-graphmap as before. There is a new option:

--delFilter N : Filter out mappings that would induce a deletion bubble of >N bases w.r.t. a path in the reference. If this option is used, the unfiltered paf will also be output (with a .unfiltered suffix) as well as a log detailing what was filtered and why (.filter.log suffix). This option is very important as minigraph will produce a small number of split-mappings that can cause chromosome-scale bubbles. By default, it is set to 1000000.

cactus-graphmap ${MYJOBSTORE} hprc-${VERSION}-mc.pp.seqfile ${MINIGRAPH} ${MYBUCKET}/hprc-${VERSION}-mc-grch38.paf \
--outputGAFDir ${MYBUCKET}/gaf-hprc-${VERSION}-mc-grch38 --outputFasta ${MYBUCKET}/fasta/ \
--reference GRCh38 --mapCores 16 --delFilter 10000000  --batchSystem mesos --provisioner aws --defaultPreemptable \
--nodeType r5.8xlarge:1.5 --nodeStorage 650 --maxNodes 25 --betaInertia 0 --targetTime 1 \
--logFile hprc-${VERSION}-mc-grch38.paf.log

Note: The --betaInertia 0 --targetTime 1 options force Toil to create AWS instances as soon as they are needed.

This command uses the spot market by specifying :1.35 after the node type to bid $1.35/hr (on-demand pricing at time of writing is about $2.00).

HPRC Graph: Splitting by Chromosome

There are too many reference contigs to make a graph for each because of all the unplaced contigs in GRCh38. Ideally, we would drop them but it simplifies some downstream pipelines that use tools that expect them to be in BAM headers etc. to just include them in the graph. To do this, we use the --otherContig option to lump them all into a single job, and --refContigs to spell out all the contigs we want to treat separately. Note that the final output will be the same whether or not --otherContig is used. This option serves only to reduce the number of output files (and therefore alignment jobs).

cactus-graphmap-split ${MYJOBSTORE}  hprc-${VERSION}-mc.pp.seqfile ${MINIGRAPH} \
${MYBUCKET}/hprc-${VERSION}-mc-grch38.paf --outDir ${MYBUCKET}/chroms-hprc-${VERSION}-mc-grch38 \
--otherContig chrOther --refContigs $(for i in `seq 22`; do echo chr$i; done ; echo "chrX chrY chrM") \
--reference GRCh38  --batchSystem mesos --provisioner aws --defaultPreemptable --nodeType r5.8xlarge \
--nodeStorage 1000 --maxNodes 5 --betaInertia 0 --targetTime 1 --logFile hprc-${VERSION}-mc-grch38.split.log

HPRC Graph: Batch Alignment

The rest of the pipeline is proceeds as in the yeast example. We need to manually download the chromfile though. We also use a new option

--maxLen N : Do not attempt to align more than N bases with the Cactus base aligner (activated with --base). This will save aligning too far into anchorless regions, which cannot be properly resolved with base alignment alone. It is 1000000 by default.

This command will create a vg and hal file for each chromosome in ${MYBUCKET}/align-batch-grch38/

aws s3 cp ${MYBUCKET}/chroms-hprc-${VERSION}-mc-grch38/chromfile.txt .
cactus-align-batch ${MYJOBSTORE} ./chromfile.txt ${MYBUCKET}/align-hprc-${VERSION}-mc-grch38 \
--alignCores 16  --alignOptions "--pangenome --maxLen 10000 --reference GRCh38   --outVG" \
--batchSystem mesos --provisioner aws --defaultPreemptable --nodeType r5.8xlarge:1.5 --nodeStorage 1000 \
--maxNodes 20 --betaInertia 0 --targetTime 1 --logFile hprc-${VERSION}-mc-grch38.align.log

HPRC Graph: Creating the Whole-Genome Graph


  • we use --filter 9 and --giraffe to make giraffe indexes on the subgraph covered by at least 9/90 haplotypes (filter does not apply to the reference).
  • we use --reference GRCh38 CHM13v2 to specify an additional reference. In this case CHM13v2 will still be clipped (but not filtered), and it will be treated as a reference path in vg (and therefore easier to query). You can add --vcfReference GRCh38 CHM13v2 to make a VCF based on CHM13 too.
  • we use --indexCores 63 to allow indexing and hal merging to be done in parallel, which can save quite a bit of time.
cactus-graphmap-join ${MYJOBSTORE} --vg $(for j in $(for i in `seq 22`; do echo chr$i; done ; \
echo "chrX chrY chrM chrOther"); do echo ${MYBUCKET}/align-hprc-${VERSION}-mc-grch38/${j}.vg; done) \
--hal $(for j in $(for i in `seq 22`; do echo chr$i; done ; echo "chrX chrY chrM chrOther"); \
do echo ${MYBUCKET}/align-hprc-${VERSION}-mc-grch38/${j}.hal; done) --outDir ${MYBUCKET}/ \
--outName hprc-${VERSION}-mc-grch38 --reference GRCh38 --filter 9 --giraffe --vcf --gbz --gfa \
--vg-chroms --batchSystem mesos --provisioner aws --defaultPreemptable --nodeType r5.16xlarge \
--nodeStorage 1000 --maxNodes 1 --indexCores 63  --logFile hprc-${VERSION}-mc-grch38.join.log 

All sequences clipped out by cactus-graphmap-join will be saved in a BED file in the ".stats.gz" file in its output directory.

HPRC Graph: Changing the Reference

The selection of the reference genome is very important, as it will be used as the backbone for the graph. It is the only genome that is guaranteed to not have any cycles nor to ever be clipped, and therefore provides a coordinate system in the graph. Any input genome can be used as a reference, provided it's consistently passed as the --reference option to all the commands. It also must not have a "." in its genome name. In practice, there are usually two possible references for the HPRC graphs: GRCh38 and CHM13.

It is advisable to also pass --reference CHM13v2 GRCh38 --vcfReference CHM13v2 GRCh38 to cactus-graphmap-join to tell it to make a second VCF based on the GRCh38 reference.

Note: some contig names like chrY (if it is not included) and options like --otherContig will not be necessary for CHM13

HPRC Graph: Other Approaches for Masking or Clipping out Complex Regions

The Pangenome Pipeline supports options to for special handling of masked regions at pretty much every step. These were added to address various issues during initial development and testing. The approach of just aligning everything and filtering based on the minigraph described above is much simpler and seems at least as effective.


Most satellite sequence can be detected with dna-brnn, which can be run with via the --maskAlpha --minLength 100000 --brnnCores 8 options in cactus-preprocess. The entire pipeline supports sub-sequence fragments via naming conventions, so the masked sequence can be clipped out instead of masked by using --clipAlpha instead of --maskAlpha

The minigraph mappings themselves can also be used to derive regions to mask, by finding gaps in the alignments. This can be done by passing a PAF file (output from cactus-graphmap) back into cactus-preprocess via the --maskFile option. This option can also accept BED files to mask any user-specified regions. When using this option, the --maskAction option can be used to specify whether masked sequence is clipped out or not.


Softmasked input sequence can be ignored by using the --maskFilter 100000 option. This will force such sequence to remain unaligned.


Softmasked input sequence can (and should) be ignored when computing coverage in order to assign contigs to reference chromosomes. This is done with --maskFilter 100000


Softmasked input can be ignored (and forced to stay unaligned) with the --barMaskFilter 100000 option to cactus-align, or by including it in the cactus-align-batch --alignOptions "--barMaskFilter 100000"

HPRC Version 1.0 Graphs

These graphs were created with the script using Cactus commit 6cd9a42cdf40ad61843664ed82c9d5bc26445570. The seqfile input was constructed as above, except chrY was only added to CHM13 for the CHM13-based graph (and chrEBV was never added). Instead, a decoy graph consisting of chrEBV and all the hs38d1 contigs was added to both graphs in the cactus-graphmap-join step.

The other main differences between this pipeline and ${VERSION} are

  • Input fasta files were softmasked with dna-brnn regions >100kb
  • After mapping to the graph, minimizer gaps >100kb were masked using a second call to cactus-preprocess
  • The two sets of masked regions were merged together and clipped out the input sequences.
  • The clipped sequences were remapped to the graph once again and the pipeline continued from there
  • The --base option was never used to perform sequence-to-graph base alignment (it didn't exist)
  • The --delFilter option didn't exist either, so several large spurious bubbles made it into the graphs
  • Much more stringent options were used to assign contigs to chromosomes with cactus-graphmap-join. This was possible to some extent because the contigs were clipped, but also caused more sequence to be classified as ambiguous.
  • cactus-graphmap-join clipped out sequence that was unaligned to anything else (including minigraph), rather than unaligned to minigraph. (this is less stringent).
  • A few small bugs were fixed in Cactus between the two versions, notably one that caused erroneous tiny duplications and inversions.

GRCh38 graph command line

./ -j aws:us-west-2:glennhickey-jobstore7 -s ./hprc-year1-f1g.fix.HG02080.1.brnn.leaveout.seqfile \
-m  \
-o s3://vg-k8s/vgamb/wg/cactus/GRCh38-f1g-90/aug11 -n GRCh38-f1g-90-mc-aug11 -r GRCh38 \
-d s3://vg-k8s/vgamb/wg/fasta/  -g  -F  -C -M 100000 -K 10000  2>> stderr.aug11.2.log > /dev/null

CHM13 graph command line

 ./ -j aws:us-west-2:glennhickey-jobstore-hprc4 -s \
 ./hprc-year1-f1g.chmy.fix.HG02080.1.brnn.leaveout.seqfile \
 -m  \
 -o s3://vg-k8s/vgamb/wg/cactus/CHM13-f1g-90/aug11 -n CHM13-f1g-90-mc-aug11  \
 -r CHM13 -v GRCh38 -d s3://vg-k8s/vgamb/wg/fasta/  -g  \
 -F -C -M 100000 -K 10000 -y  2>> stderr.aug11.chm13.3.log > /dev/null

Frequently Asked Questions

Q; cactus-graphmap-join keeps crashing with a segfault and/or running out of memory.

A: This is usually because vg index -j crashes while computing the distance index for --giraffe. Make sure you did not disable clipping or filtering. Try to use --filter N where N is about 10% of your input samples. If that fails, try on a system with more memory.

Q: Why are the node id's different in my GFA and GBZ

A: GBZ construction chops nodes to a maximum length of 1024, which changes their ids. The GFA and VCF use the original, unchopped IDs. You can get a mapping between the chopped and unchopped IDs from the GBZ using vg gbwt --translation. This is all really annoying and I wonder if it's not just better to chop everything?

Q: My tools can't read GFA 1.1 and W-lines.

A: As mentioned above, you can use vg convert -gfW to convert from GFA 1.1 to GFA 1.0.

Q: I hate the idea of clipping and filtering sequence from my graph. Why do I have to do it?!

A: So current toolchains can work with your graphs. But clipping and filtering is optional in cactus-graphmap-join, just specify full for the various outputs (keeping in mind that much satellite sequence won't be aligned to anything).

Q: I get an error to the effect of ERROR: No matching distribution found for toil[aws]==xxxx when trying to install Toil.

A: This is probably happening because you are using Python 3.6. Toil and Cactus require Python >= 3.7. Use python3 --version to check your Python version.

Q: cactus-align-batch spawns too many cactus-align jobs and runs out of memory. How do I fix this?

A: You can control the number of jobs with --alignCores and --maxCores which set the cores per align job and total cores, respectively. So to only do two align jobs at a time using 8 cores total, you can set --alignCores 4 --maxCores 8.

Q: The node IDs referred to in the output VCF don't match the GBZ!

A: Indeed they do not. They refer to the (unchopped) GFA IDs. Please see the Node Chopping section above.