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Codever API (backend)

Back-end REST API for based on Node.js with ExspressJS


This section concerns about the local developemnt


Restart backend

It might happen to have a zombie running nodejs running on the port 3000 when trying to run npm run debug. Kill the process and try again

lsof -i tcp:3000
kill -9 xxx # where xxx is the process number from the command above
npm run debug # restart the backend server as usual


Unit tests

Run the test npm task

npm run test

Integration tests

To run the integration you have to prepare and start the local docker image and node for backend as specified in the main README file.

When ready run the following command

npm run test:integration

OpenAPI Docs

The API has an OpenAPI specification available at docs/openapi/openapi.yaml

Based on that a GUI is generated to test the API directly from browser:


We currently use pm2 to start the project in production

Undo local changes if needed:

git fetch
git reset --hard origin/master



## status
pm2 status

## start
pm2 start pm2-process-cluster.json

## restart - kills and restarts the process
pm2 restart pm2-process-cluster.json

## reload - in comparison with "restart", "reload" achieves 0-second-downtime reload
pm2 reload pm2-process-cluster.json

## stop
pm2 stop pm2-process-cluster.json

Single instance

# start
pm2 start pm2-process.json --env production --time

# restart
pm2 restart pm2-process.json --env production --time

# stop
pm2 stop pm2-process.json --env production

Commited is a pm2-process.exammple.json example file


Show pm2 logs

pm2 logs --lines 1000

Show morgan logs

tail -f n100 ~/projects/

pm2 start errored

When pm2 start pm2 start pm2-process.json --env production has the status errored, it might help to delete the app id pm2 delete and then try again