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Dmytro Tarianyk edited this page May 28, 2016 · 25 revisions



  • Added option to use custom fonts for Labels
  • Fixed FAB's position when using progress. (issue #125)
  • Fixed label long click (issue #250)
  • Fixed close on touch outside (issue #248)
  • Fixed changing label's background color on Android 4.4 and lower
  • Added OnLongClickListener for menu button


  • Fixed Floating Action Menu show/hide animation
  • Added option to change Label's background and text colors programmatically


  • Fixed OnClickListener on a button's label (issue #121)
  • Added ColorStateList for Label class
  • Fixed permanent tint in label and button when canceling the click (issue #153)


  • Added methods to show/hide the whole FAM
FloatingActionMenu#showMenu(boolean animate);
FloatingActionMenu#hideMenu(boolean animate);
FloatingActionMenu#toggleMenu(boolean animate);


  • Added getter and setters for the FAB disabled color.
  • Added option to hide button from menu with animation.
  • Added option to remove all buttons from menu.
  • Added option to add button to the menu at position.
  • Added option to show a label for the FloatingActionMenu's button:
<fab:menu_fab_label="My label">
  • Added option to set FAM show and hide animations through XML:


  • Fixed issue when FAM didn't get opened or closed if some of the menu buttons have visibility - GONE.


  • Fixed issue when the button's color was set to disabled after pressing on its label on Android < 5.0 (issue #82).
  • Fixed issue with button's label visibility (issue #85).
  • Fixed wrong FAM animation on some devices (issue #78).


  • FloatingActionMenu's height was measured wrong when menu_buttonSpacing not equals to 0.


  • Fixed FloatingActionMenu's height calculation


  • Fixed FloatingActionMenu animation. The animation wasn't cancelling on multiple tap.
  • Added disabled state for the FloatingActionButton which also works for button's label. Usage: FloatingActionButton.setEnabled(false).
  • Added option to hide the button and its label from the menu using the FloatingActionButton.setVisibility(GONE) method.


  • Added circle progress to the FloatingActionButton (progress and indeterminate state)
  • Added option to add menu buttons programmatically
  • Added option to expand menu to the bottom
  • Added option to dim FloatinActionMenu's background (just set the desired color and it will smoothly animate its alpha from 0 to your value)
  • Added option to show labels to the right of the menu (default labels and button's icon animations will automatically change according to the labels position)
  • FloatingActionButton is now clickable by default


  • Added native elevation support
  • Added new fab_elevationCompat attribute and FloatingActionButton#setElevationCompat(float) method that lets you set almost identical UX using the material elevation feature (see sample for usage)
  • Improved transparency support for buttons and labels
  • Fixed ripple animation bug on Android 5.1


  • Added FloatingActionMenu's show/hide animations
  • Added support for match_parent value for width and height attributes
  • Added FloatingActionMenu#setClosedOnTouchOutside(boolean) option to allow the menu to be closed on touch outside (don't forget to set the menu's width and height to match_parent)
  • Fixed FloatingActionMenu paddings support
  • Min API level was set to 14
  • Added ability to set FloatingActionMenu normal/pressed/ripple colors programmatically:


  • Added option to set FloatingActionMenu's icon custom animations using AnimatorSet (see sample for usage)
  • Removed required ProGuard rule
  • Miscellaneous optimizations


  • Added option to disable FloatingActionMenu's icon animation
FloatingActionMenu menu = (FloatingActionMenu) findViewById(;
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