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Lecture One - Introduction To Agoric and Hardened JavaScript

Table of Contents

  • What is Agoric?
    • What does it aim to bring to the ecosystem?
    • Who builds it?
    • Agoric's position in the Cosmos ecosystem
    • The Agoric Stack
  • Hardened JavaScript
    • What is Hardened JavaScript?
    • History of Hardened JavaScript/SES
    • Keywords, Terminology
    • Execution Environment
    • Parts Of Hardened JavaScript
    • Coding Samples
  • Communicating With Remote Objects

What is Hardened JavaScript?

Hardened JavaScript is perhaps the most important part of Agoric's JavaScript Framework. Its main purpose is to make JavaScript development secure from internal threats.

Figure 1: JavaScript Language Features

Above screenshot is taken from Hardened JavaScript Security Report.

The SES Guide from the docs describes Hardened JavaScript as below;

  • Is a JavaScript runtime library for safely running third-party code.
  • Addresses JavaScript’s lack of internal security.
    • This is particularly significant because JavaScript applications use and rely on third-party code (modules, packages, libraries, user-provided code for extensions and plug-ins, etc.).
  • Enforces best practices by removing hazardous features such as global mutable state and lack of encapsulation in sloppy mode.
  • Is a safe deterministic subset of "strict mode" JavaScript.
  • Does not include any IO objects that provide ambient authority.
  • Removes non-determinism by modifying a few built-in objects.
  • Adds functionality to freeze and make immutable both built-in JavaScript objects and program created objects.

Principles of Hardened JavaScript

Hardened JavaScript aims to bring security to JavaScript by actually removing insecurities. In order to enforce security, it relies on two principles;

  • OCaps(Object Capabilities): SES Guide[4] describes OCaps discipline as below;
    "Any programming environment fitting the OCaps model satisfies three requirements:

    • Any program can protect its invariants by hiding its own data and capabilities.
    • Power can only be exercised over something by having a reference to the object providing that power, for example, a file system object. A reference to a powerful object is a capability.
    • The only way to get a capability is by being given one. For example, by receiving one as an argument of a constructor or method."

    SES Guide[4] also adds: "With OCaps, many strangers can collaborate in a single sandbox, without risking them frustrating, interfering, or conspiring with or against the user or each other."

  • POLA(Principle of Least Authority): A general definition might be;

    "The Principle of Least Authority (POLA) says that code should be granted only the authority it needs to perform its task and no more."[5]

    Hardened JavaScript does not directly enforce POLA but implements a rich toolset so that the programmers can hand out necessary authorities, and no more, to their modules.

What do you mean by "internal threats"?

What happens if a program your code depends on, misbehaves? What happens if it overrides the Array.prototype.push method? With the normal JavaScript, there's nothing prevents something like below;

const push = Array.prototype.push;
Array.prototype.push = (...args) => {
  return push.apply(this, args);

Note: The code sample above is taken from Hardened JavaScript(10:34).

Moddable describes Hardened JavaScript in their blog like this;

"The core problem SES solves is allowing code from different sources to be safely executed in a single JavaScript virtual machine. This ensures each section of code is secure from interference by the others."

Hardened JavaScript or SES?

Hardened JavaScript is what formerly known as SES. SES stands for Secure ECMAScript. Along this bootcamp, documents we refer to and in JavaScript community in general, the terms SES and Hardened JavaScript are used interchangeably.

Background Work

There exists two proposals made to Ecma TC39 for making Hardened JavaScript the Standard JavaScript;

  1. proposal-ses
  2. proposal-compartments

Number 2 superseeds the number 1. Current stage is Stage 1.

Keywords, Terminology

  • Endo: What Node.js does for JavaScript, Endo does for Hardened JavaScript. Endo loads packages and modules in an ECMAScript module loader that isolates every package, granting limited access to the host's resources. Agoric smart contracts are an example of Endo guest programs. [2]
  • Shim: A shim is a piece of code used to correct the behavior of code that already exists, usually by adding new API that works around the problem.[3]
  • JS Intrinsics/Primordials: Built-in JavaScript objects such as Object, Array, and RegExp.
  • Realm: A realm is the set of primordial (objects and standard library functions like Array.prototype.push) and a global object. In a web browser, an iframe is a realm. In Node.js, a Node process is a realm. [1]

Execution Environment

Figure 2: JavaScript Runtime Environment Example

According to the Agoric Docs[6], Agoric adopts the same event-loop concurrency model as web browsers and Node.js. Every event-loop has a message queue, stack and a heap of objects. Agoric refers to this event-loop as vat.

One important thing to note is, synchronous function calls can only be used within a vat. For vat-to-vat communications we need to use eventual-send, but evetual-send calls can also be used within the same vat.

If you don't know what eventual-send means, don't worry. We'll cover in the Communicating With Remote Objects section.

Static vs Dynamic Vats

There two types of vats:

  • Static Vats
  • Dynamic Vats

Static Vats are started at the system boot. Each static vat contains a specific agoric-sdk component. Static Vats are needed to keep the ecosystem going.

Dynamic Vats run the third party code. For instance, if you deploy a smart contract it runs in its own vat. This is an important point, Smart Contracts run in their own vats. Can you think of what kind benefits approach can bring?

Figure 3: Screenshot from Distributed Programming for a Decentralized World

Possible hosts for vats:

  • Blockchain: When a contract is deployed to blockchain, all nodes in that network runs the contract in their machine. If there are 10 nodes then are 10 vats for the particular contract. But notice how all vats in a public chain(bottom layer) is represented as single vats in the green(top) layer. This is an abstraction that the replicated nature of the blockchain enables.
  • Ag-Solo: This is the client interacting with the agoric chain which runs on a solo machine. But from the point of abstraction green layer brings, it's just another vat that is ready to interact with other vats.

Parts Of Hardened JavaScript

Hardened JavaScript enforces security to the language. Great, but how?

In order to achieve security by POLA and Ocaps, we must first take a look at why JavaScript is not a OCaps enforcing language. According to the SES Guide[4]:

"Ordinary JavaScript does not fully qualify as an OCaps language due to the pervasive mutability of shared objects."

Our code sample in What do you mean by "internal threats"? section is a good example for this.

In the guide it says;

"Hardened JavaScript consists of three parts:

  • Lockdown is a function that irreversibly repairs and hardens an existing mutable JavaScript environment.
  • Harden is a function that makes interfaces tamper-proof, so objects can be shared between programs.
  • Compartment is a class that constructs isolated environments, with separate globals and modules, but shared hardened primordials and limited access to other powerful objects in global scope."

Let's examine these three main parts one-by-one;


According to the SES Guide - Lockdown[7], the definition of lockdown is:

"lockdown() freezes all JavaScript defined objects accessible to any program in the execution environment. Calling lockdown() turns a JavaScript system into a hardened system, with enforced OCap (object-capability) security. It alters the surrounding execution environment (realm) such that no two programs running in the same realm can observe or interfere with each other until they have been introduced."

Here are some of the intrinsic objects lockdown freezes;

  • globalThis
  • [].__proto__ the array prototype, equivalent to Array.prototype in a pristine JavaScript environment.
  • {}.__proto__ the Object.prototype

And the list goes on... See Reference - Lockdown[8] for more examples.

Is that all? Of course not, lockdown also removes some existing, platform specific JavaScript features. Here are some examples;

  • queueMicrotask
  • URL and URLSearchParams
  • WebAssembly
  • TextEncoder and TextDecoder
  • global
    • Use globalThis instead (and remember it is frozen).
  • process
    • No process.env to access the process's environment variables.
    • No process.argv for the argument array.

See SES Guide - Lockdown Removals[9] for more details.

We're still not done. lockdown also adds the Hardened JavaScript specific features to the environment.

Remember: lockdown enforces the SES Shim and the JavaScript environment is not a Hardened JavaScript environment until lockdown is invoked.

lockdown also injects following properties to the globalThis;

  • assert
  • harden
  • Compartment

Next, we'll discover harden.


Any code that will run inside a vat or a contract can use harden as a global, without importing anything. Harden tamper-proofs user defined object along with their prototypes. Any program working with that object can only invoke whatever is in the surface of that object. Any attempts to subvert the object's properties will fail.

const makeImportantRecord = () => {
  const importantData = 'This is very important!';
  const getImportantData = () => {
    const importantCopy = importantData;
    return importantCopy;
  return harden({ getImportantData })

const importantRecord = makeImportantRecord();

importantRecord.getImportantData = () => {
  return 'I hate you!'
}; // This will throw!


According to SES - Compartments[10], the definition of Compartments is:

"A compartment is an evaluation and execution environment with its own globalThis and wholly independent system of modules, but otherwise shares the same batch of intrinsic like Array with the surrounding compartment."

SES - Compartments[10] also contains some code samples for better understanding:

Here, a compartment with print endowment is created and invoked.

import 'ses';

const c = new Compartment({
  print: harden(console.log),

  print('Hello! Hello?');

Different compartments share the same intrinsic but they different globalThis objects.

const c1 = new Compartment();
const c2 = new Compartment();
c1.globalThis === c2.globalThis; // false
c1.globalThis.JSON === c2.globalThis.JSON; // true

By default, a new Compartment omits and Math.random, since they might covert communication channels between programs. But we can add them to the Compartment if we like. There are two ways for achieving this;

  • The first argument to the compartment constructor or
  • By assigning them to the compartment's globalThis after construction.
const powerfulCompartment = new Compartment({ Math });
powerfulCompartment.globalThis.Date = Date;

It's up to the programmer whether to harden globalThis of the Compartment. We're able to assign Date to the globalThis because we didn't invoke harden first.

Coding Samples

To use Hardened JavaScript in your code, run:

npm install ses

Then in your code:

import 'ses';

If your environment is a browser, add this at the top of your index.html;

<script src="node_modules/ses/dist/ses.umd.min.js">

Once you do either one of the above, you will have access to Hardened JavaScript features.

Secure Coding Guide[11] has a lot of cool examples, you should definitely check them out. I chose below two examples particularly since they seem interesting to me.

Accepting Arrays

Array.prototype.concat concatenates two arrays and returns a new array. An insecure usage might be something like below:

// insecure
function combine(arr1, arr2) {
  const combined = arr1.concat(arr2);
  return combined;

The guide explains the insecurity like this:

"The problem is that .concat is a property of the first array, which means whoever provides that array gets to control what our alleged "concatenate" function does:"

function getArr1(
  return harden({
    concat(otherArray) {
      console.log("haha I can read", otherArray[0]);
      otherArray.push("haha I can modify otherArray");
      return("haha I can make concat return a string, not an Array");

const combined = combine(getArr1(), arr2);

And the secure version of concatenating two arrays:

// secure
function combine(arr1, arr2) {
  const combined = [...arr1, ...arr2];
  return combined;

Promises Prevent Reentrancy Hazards

Consider a PubSub structure like below:

// insecure
function makePubSub() {
  const subscribers = new Set();
  function subscribe(cb) {
  function unsubscribe(cb) {
  function publish(msg) {
    for (const s of subscribers) {
  return harden({subscribe, unsubscribe, publish});

Guide lists the possible insecurities like below:

  • if the callback throws an exception, some number of other subscribers won't receive the message
  • if the callback adds a new subscriber, the new subscriber may or may not get called, depending upon the iterator order and where the subscriber lands in the list (note that Sets have improved iteration-ordering properties, so this is not as unpredictable as it would be with other collection types or in other languages)
  • if the callback removes an existing subscriber, they may or may not receive this message, depending upon where they were in the list
  • if the callback publishes a new message, the two messages might be received in different orders by different subscribers

A sample fix is:

  // secure
  function publish(msg) {
    for (const s of subscribers) {
      Promise.resolve(s).then(s => s(msg));

The reason this fixes the reentrancy hazard is that the Promise resolves in a future turn of the event-loop instead of the current one.

Communicating With Remote Objects

Running different components in their own vat partitions risk. Imagine if anyone could deploy their contract into the vat Zoe(A system component) is running, in the event that one contract tries something malicious like consuming too much heap space the whole system would be at risk. This security feature brings a problem to be solved. That is, How do you communicate with other vats? For instance, what if your smart contract needs to call a method from another smart contract?

Enter Evantual-Send

In Concurrency Among Strangers[12] eventual operations explained like below;

Imagine a program is executing plan X and discovers the need to engage in plan Y , in a sequential system, it has two simple alternatives of when to do Y :

  • Immediately: Put X aside, work on Y until complete, then go back to X.
  • Eventually: Put Y on a “to-do” list and work on it after X is complete.

Hardened JavaScript implements an 'eventual-send' package that enables programs to invoke methods from other vats which they have references to. Since eventual operations happen in a future turn of the event-loop instead of the current one, there's no reentrancy risk.

Basic logic of communication between vats is explained in a diagram from Capability Based Financial Instruments[13]:

In the diagram above,

  • Thick arrows are the methods
  • Thin arrows are the references
  • Circles are the objects
  • Half-circles are the proxy objects that have a connection to the actual vat

Let's say we're Alice and want to invoke a method called hello from Bob which takes an argument, a reference to Carol. The syntax for that would be:

import { E } from '@endo/far';


This is the syntax whenever we want to interact with another vat.

Agoric Docs - Eventual Send[14] breaks down the steps after we call E(zoe).install(bundle) like this:

  1. A message consisting of the method name install with the bundle argument marshaled to a flat string and queued for delivery to the vat that zoe comes from.
  2. E(zoe).install(bundle) returns a promise for the result.
  3. The then and catch methods queue callbacks for when the promise is resolved or rejected. Execution continues until the stack is empty and thus this turn through the event loop completes.
  4. Eventually zoe responds, which results in a new message in this vat's message queue and a new turn through the event loop. The message is de-serialized and the results are passed to the relevant callback.

Is it possible to call every method from an object that lives on another vat?

No. The object should wrap its methods in a Far. Only methods wrapped around a Far can be invoked from a remote vat.

The syntax for Far is as below:

import { Far } from '@endo/far';

const publicFacet = Far('Public Facet', {
  hello: name => `Hello from remote vat ${name}!!!`


[1] SES Guide - Realms
[2] SES Guide - Endo
[3] MDN Glossary - Shim
[4] SES Guide - OCaps
[5] POLA Would Have Prevented the Event-Stream Incident
[6] Agoric Docs - Vats
[7] SES Guide - Lockdown
[8] Reference - Lockdown
[9] SES Guide - Lockdown Removals
[10] SES - Compartments
[11] Secure Coding Guide
[12] Concurrency Among Strangers
[13] Capability Based Financial Instruments
[14] Agoric Docs - Eventual Send