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MUSET. Set of utilities for the construction of abundance unitig matrices from sequencing data


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A pipeline for building an abundance unitig matrix.

MUSET is a software for generating an abundance unitig matrix from a collection of input samples (in FASTA/Q format). It additionally provides a comprehensive suite of tools (called kmat tools) for manipulating k-mer matrices and a script
for generating a presence-absence unitig matrix.


Conda installation


Then you can install muset by creating conda environment:

git clone --recursive
cd muset
conda env create -n muset --file environment.yaml

To run muset remember to activate the conda environment with:

conda activate muset

You can check if muset is correctly installed as follows:

cd test
muset fof.txt

Build from source


  • a recent version of GCC (or clang) that supports the C++17 standard
  • cmake >= 3.15
  • kmtricks >= 1.4.0

To clone the repository:

git clone --recursive

To build the tool:

cd muset
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..

Executables will be made available in the bin sub-directory relative to the root folder of the repository.

To make the muset command available, remember to include the absolute path of MUSET's executables in your PATH environment variable, e.g., adding the following line to your ~/.bashrc file:

export PATH=/absolute/path/to/muset/bin:${PATH}

You can check if muset is correctly installed as follows:

cd test
muset fof.txt

Build a Singularity image


To build a singularity image (e.g., muset.sif):

git clone --recursive
cd muset/singularity
sudo singularity build muset.sif Singularity.def

To run muset and see the help message, use the following command:

singularity exec /path/to/muset.sif muset -h

To try muset with example data, cd to the test directory within the repository, then run:

singularity exec /path/to/muset.sif muset fof.txt


muset v0.4

   muset - a pipeline for building an abundance unitig matrix from a list of FASTA/FASTQ files.

   muset [options] INPUT_FILE

   -i PATH    skip matrix construction and run the pipeline with a previosuly computed matrix
   -k INT     k-mer size (default: 31)
   -a INT     min abundance to keep a k-mer (default: 2)
   -l INT     minimum size of the unitigs to be retained in the final matrix (default: 2k-1)
   -o PATH    output directory (default: output)
   -m INT     minimizer length  (default: 15)
   -n INT     minimum number of samples from which a k-mer should be absent (mutually exclusive with -f)
   -f FLOAT   fraction of samples from which a k-mer should be absent (default: 0.1, mutually exclusive with -n)
   -N INT     minimum number of samples in which a k-mer should be present (mutually exclusive with -F)
   -F FLOAT   fraction of samples in which a k-mer should be present (default: 0.1, mutually exclusive with -N)
   -t INT     number of cores (default: 4)
   -s         write the unitig sequence in the first column of the output matrix instead of the identifier
   -h         show this help message and exit
   -V         show version number and exit

    INPUT_FILE   Input file (fof) containing the description of input samples.
                 It is ignored if -i option is used.

   Options -n and -f are mutually exclusive, as well as options -N and -F.
   When either -n or -f is used, -N or -F must also be provided, and vice versa.
   If none of the -n, -N, -f, -F options are used the last two options are used with their default values.

Input data

I do not have a k-mer matrix

If you do not have a k-mer matrix ready, make sure to create a "fof" file, that is a file which contains one line per sample with the following syntax:

  • <Sample ID> : <1.fastq.gz> ; ... ; <N.fastq.gz>

Files could be in either FASTA or FASTQ format, gzipped or not. Multiple files per sample can be provided by separating them with a semicolon.


A1 : /path/to/fastq_A1_1
B1 : /path/to/fastq_B1_1 ; /with/mutiple/fasta_B1_2

You can generate such an input file from a folder containing many input files as follows:

ls -1 folder/*  | sort -n -t/ -k2 | xargs -L1 readlink -f | awk '{ print ++count" : "$1 }' >fof.txt

Then simply run:

muset fof.txt

I already have a k-mer matrix

If you are familiar with kmtricks and/or have already produced a k-mer matrix on your own, you can run muset with the -i option and provide your own input matrix (and skip the possibly long matrix construction).

Make sure to provide a matrix in text format. You can easily output one from a kmtricks run using the command kmtricks aggregate with parameters --matrix kmer --format text. By default, kmtricks will write it on stdout, so you might want to set the --output parameter. Ex: kmtricks aggregate --matrix kmer --format text --cpr-in --sorted --output sorted_matrix.txt --run-dir kmtricks_output_dir

The pipeline can be then run as follows:

muset -i sorted_matrix.txt <input_fof.txt>

Output data

The output data of muset is a folder with intermediate results and a unitigs.mat file, which is an abundance unitig matrix. Each row corresponds to a unitig and each column to a sample. Each entry of the matrix indicates the average abundance and fraction of the unitig k-mers belonging to the sample (separated by a semicolon) Ex:

Unitig ID Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4 Sample 5
0 0.00;0.00 0.00;0.00 0.00;0.00 0.00;0.00 2.00;1.00
1 2.00;1.00 2.00;1.00 2.00;1.00 2.00;1.00 0.00;0.00
2 0.00;0.00 0.00;0.00 0.00;0.00 0.00;0.00 2.00;1.00
3 0.00;0.00 0.00;0.00 0.00;0.00 0.00;0.00 2.00;1.00
4 2.00;1.00 2.00;1.00 2.00;1.00 2.00;1.00 0.00;0.00

Note: If instead of the unitig identifier you prefer to have the unitig sequence, run muset with the flag -s

The average abundance of a unitig $u$ with respect to a sample $S$ (number on the left of the semicolon) is defined as:

$$ A(u, S) = \frac{\sum\limits_{i=1}^{N}{c_i}}{N} $$

where $N$ is the number of k-mers in $u$, and $c_i$ is the abundance of the $i$-th k-mer of $u$ in sample $S$.

The fraction of k-mers in a unitig $u$ that are present in a sample $S$ (number on the right of the semicolon) is defined as:

$$ f(u, S) = \frac{\sum\limits_{i=1}^{N}{x_i}}{N} $$

where $N$ is the number of k-mers in $u$, and $x_i$ is a binary variable that is 1 when the $i$-th k-mer is present in sample $S$ and 0 otherwise.

K-mer matrix operations

MUSET includes a kmat_tools, an auxiliary executable allowing to perform some basic operations on a (text) k-mer matrix.

kmat_tools v0.4

  kmat_tools - a collection of tools to process text-based k-mer matrices

  kmat_tools <command> <arguments>

  diff     - difference between two sorted k-mer matrices
  fasta    - output a k-mer matrix in FASTA format
  fafmt    - filter a FASTA file by length and write sequences in single lines
  filter   - filter a k-mer matrix by selecting k-mers that are potentially differential
  merge    - merge two input sorted k-mer matrices
  reverse  - reverse complement k-mers in a matrix
  select   - select only a subset of k-mers
  unitig   - build a unitig matrix
  version  - print version

I just want a presence-absence unitig matrix

MUSET includes also muset_pa, an auxiliary executable that generates a presence-absence unitig matrix in text format from a list of input samples using ggcat and kmat_tools.

muset_pa v0.4

   muset_pa - a pipeline for building a presence-absence unitig matrix from a list of FASTA/FASTQ files.
              this pipeline has fewer parameters than muset and less filtering options as it does not build
              nor use an intermediate k-mer abundance matrix.
              If you wish a 0/1 binary matrix instead of the fraction of kmers from the sample present in the
              unitig, please use the option -r and a value x, 0 < x <=1 as minimum treshold to count a sample
              as present (1).

   muset_pa [options] INPUT_FILE

   -k INT     k-mer size (default: 31)
   -a INT     min abundance to keep a k-mer (default: 2)
   -l INT     minimum size of the unitigs to be retained in the final matrix (default: 2k-1)
   -r FLOAT   minimum kmer presence ratio in the unitig for 1/0 
   -o PATH    output directory (default: output)
   -m INT     minimizer length  (default: 15)
   -t INT     number of cores (default: 4)
   -s         write the unitig sequence in the first column of the output matrix instead of the identifier
   -h         show this help message and exit
   -V         show version number and exit

    INPUT_FILE   Input file (fof) containing paths of input samples (one per line).

Input file

The input is a file containing a list of paths (one per line), as required by the -l parameter of GGCAT. Make sure to either specify absolute paths or paths relative to the directory from which you intend to run muset_pa.

A simple test example can be run from the test directory:

cd test
muset_pa -o output_pa fof_pa.txt

Output file

The pipeline will produce multiple intermediate output files, among which the jsonl dictionary of the colors for each unitig that is normally produced by ggcat. The pipeline automatically converts it into a unitig matrix in csv format (separated by column). If you choose option -r you will have it in binary format (0/1) else it will report the percentage of k-mers from each samples inside the unitigs. Samples will have the name of the input files you used. Here an example

Unitig ID Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4 Sample 5
0 0 1 0.23 0.3 1
1 1 1 0 0.8 0.4
2 0.47 0.2 1 1 0
3 0.8 1 0.78 1 0.81
4 0.79 1 1 0.87 0.89

In case you use -r 0.8, you will have

Unitig ID Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4 Sample 5
0 0 1 0 0 1
1 1 1 0 1 0
2 0 0 1 1 0
3 1 1 0 1 1
4 0 1 1 1 1


MUSET is based on the following libraries (included in the external directory along with their license):

  • kseq++: parsing of FASTA file
  • PTHash: compact minimal perfect hash
  • SSHash: Sparse and Skew Hashing of K-Mers

For building a k-mer matrix and unitigs the following two software are used:


MUSET. Set of utilities for the construction of abundance unitig matrices from sequencing data








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  • C++ 65.1%
  • Shell 28.1%
  • CMake 6.1%
  • C 0.7%