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Porting status and notes

Max Gortman edited this page Jul 16, 2015 · 8 revisions

Port status and mappings

  • Common utils
  • ThreadPool is Recycler
  • Byte Buffers
  • IByteBuffer is ByteBuf, AbstractByteBuffer is AbstarctByteBuf, etc.
  • PooledByteBufferAllocator and PooledByteBuffer is a simple buffer pool implementation using fixed size buffers kept on ThreadPool
  • EventExecutors and EventLoops
  • Channels
  • AbstractChannel
  • AbstractSocketChannel is AbstractNioChannel
  • TcpServerSocketChannel is NioServerSocketChannel
  • TcpSocketChannel is NioSocketChannel
  • Codecs
  • ByteToMessageDecoder and MessageToMessageEncoder provide the same functionality as their counterparts in netty
  • ReplayingDecoder is a variation of netty's version. Instead of using Signal, it only provides an explicit way to request a replay.
  • DotNetty.Codecs.Mqtt contains port of MQTT codec with a few tweaks
  • TlsHandler uses SslStream (SChannel) to provide functionality similar to SslHandler in netty

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