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A list of GRE words (packed with synonyms) I prepared based on some criteria to remember:

  1. Characteristics:
  • Courageous: Mettlesome, Plucky, Intrepid (fearless, opp. pusillanimous), Audacious (bold, taking risks)
  • Shy: Timorous, Diffident (modest due to lack of self-confidence), Bashful (reluctant to draw attention to oneself) (Reticent fits a reserved person)
  • Talkative: Garrulous, Loquacious, Verbose (Gregariousness/Sociable fits a talkative person)
  • Laconic: Crisp, Terse, Succinct, Brief/Concise with use of words while expressing oneself (might be reticent, bit secretive but not completely taciturn/quiet)
  • Annoying: Nettlesome, Fractious, Irksome, Peevish, or to irk/peeve/rile (annoy)
  • Rude: Insolent, Impudent/Impertinent (not showing respect)
  • Aggressive: Warlike, Bellicose, Belligerent
  • Intelligent/Clever: Scintillating (brilliant), Shrewd, Astute (accurately assess something)
  • Stupid: Doltish, Bovine, Glaikit
  • Sarcastic: Caustic, Ironic, Satirical, Sardonic, Acerbic (sharp & forthright/direct + outspoken)
  • Generous: Munificent, Magnanimous (+ forgiving)
  • Wise: Sagacious, Sapient
  • Honest: Aboveboard, Veracious, Candid
  • Arrogant/Condescending: Supercilious, Haughty
  • Irritable: Grumpy, Bilious, Crotchety
  • Severe/Strict: Austere, Stern, Dour, Flinty
  • Diligent/Careful: Meticulous, Scrupulous, Fastidious, Conscientious
  • Cheerful: Ebullient, Jaunty, Exuberant, Buoyant (+optimistic/sanguine)
  • Docile: Compliant, Pliant, Submissive, Yielding, Obeyance (opp. Recalcritant)
  • Friendly: Amiable, Amicable, Chummy, Convivial (+lively), Congenial (liked on account of having qualities similar to oneself)
  • Clumsy: Inept, Maladroit, Cloddish, Blundering, Ham-fisted/handed
  • Skilful: Deft, Adroit, Habile, Dexterous, Artful, Nifty
  1. State:
  • Poor: Indigent, Penurious, Destitute, Impecunious, Necessitous (needy)
  • Wealthy: Opulent, Affluent, Lavish (luxurious), Well heeled
  • Inexperienced: Naive, Callow, Fledgeling, Verdant
  • Versatile: Protean, Flexile
  • Regret: Remorse, Penitent, Contrite
  • Sorrow: Elegiac, Mournful, Doleful
  • Peace: Serenity, Tranquility, Halycon, Pacific
  • Calmness & Composure under strain: Equanimity, Aplomb, Sangfroid, Phlegmatic, Unflappable
  • Happiness: Euphoria, Bliss, Exultant, Exhilaration, Jubilation, Joviality, Mirth
  • Harmless: Innocous, Benign (also means generous)
  • Respectable: Estimable, Eminent, Illustrious (well-known), Venerable (opp. Derogatory)
  • Unable to be calmed: Implacable
  • Being late: Tardiness (opp. Punctuality)
  • Not revealing one's thoughts readily: Reticent
  • Disorder: Tumult, Turmoil, Disarray, Anarchy
  • Dissapointment: Crestfallen, Sullen, Bereft (sad due to loss)
  1. Actions:
  • Scold: Upbraid, Chastise, Vituperate, Inveigh, Admonish (warn), Chide (applies to rebuke as well)
  • Inveigle: Coax/Persuade (opp. dissuade) someone to do something via flattery/blandishments
  • Disapprove: Reprimand, Reproach, Castigate (severely), Stigmatize, Condemn, Rebuke (also applies to severe criticism), Dissonance (disagreement, opp. genial)
  • Criticize: Excoriate, Lambast (harshly), Arraign (find fault with), Censure, Condemn, Abase (humiliate, lower), Denigrate (criticize unfairly), Deride (insult)
  • Destroy/Eliminate: Obliterate, Exterminate, Extirpate, Expunge, Efface, Scotched (decisively put an end to)
  • Assign a lower position: Relegate
  • Support: Bolster, Advocate, Buttress
  • Hinder: Restrain, Constrain, Impede, Stymie
  • Surpise/Astonish: Flabbergast, Bedazzle, Confound, Nonplus
  • Excite/Inspire: Galvanize
  • Conceal/Disguise: Dissemble, Obscure, Enshroud, Privy
  • Object: Demur
  • Avoid: Eschew
  • Weaken: Enfeeble, Enervate (sap energy), Incapacitate (prevent from functioning)
  • Blame: Inculpate (opp. Exculpate - prove not guilty), Indict (accuse formally)
  • Shorten: Truncate
  • Exclude: Ostracize
  • Make someone less angry: Appease, Placate, Pacify, Mollify (soothe), Conciliate, Bromide (statement intended to soothe)
  • Make something better: Ameliorate, Mitigate (make less severe)
  • Make something worse: Exacerbate
  • Emphasize: Underscore, Accent
  • Confine against will: Incarcerate, Immure
  • Accustom: Attune, Acclimatize, Inure (harden against something by being accustomed)
  • Treat like a celebrity: Lionize
  • Struggle: Flounder, Flail
  • Deny: Repudiate, Gainsay, Decry (speak against)
  • Subterfurge: Decieve, Hoax, Hoodwink, Ruse, Chicanery (trickery -> Artifice), Duplicity
  • Lie: Prevaricate, Convey a Fib, to Palter or Equivocate (speak vaguely so as to avoid the truth)
  • Criticize with anger: Revile, Berate, Vilify (defame, with possible calumny/obloquies/slander)
  • Provoking argument/conflict: Contentious, Controversial, Incendiary
  • Reject: Abnegate, Spurn (reject with contempt or disdain - feeling that someone is unworthy)
  1. General:
  • Passionate/Enthusiastic: Ardent, Fervid/Fervent, Vehement (feeling)
  • Unpredictable: Erratic, Capricious, Mercurial, Temperamental (mood), Volatile (emotion), Whimsical
  • A liking towards something: Predilection, Penchant, Affinity
  • Educational: Didactic, Pedagogic, Erudite (well-educated/informed)
  • Refined: Genteel, Rarefied
  • Hatred: Antipathy, Loathe, Abhorrence, Detestation, Animostiy (strong hostility)
  • Hasty: Expeditious, Cursory (not detailed due to hastiness)
  • Perfunctory: Done without care/interest
  • Rash: Reckless, Foolhardy
  • Unecessary: Redundant, Superfluous
  • Ability to make good judgements: Acumen, Discernment, Shrewdness
  • Insightful: Percipient/Perceptive, Perspicacious
  • Peculiarity: Idiosyncrasy, Eccentricity, Unorthodox (Unconventional, contrary to what is usual), Freakish (strange)
  • Admiration: Infatuated (short-lived, but intense), Besotted, Enamour
  • Harmful: Detrimental, Deleterious, Precarious (Dangerous), Inimical (tending to obstruct/harm)
  • Scheme: Ploy (clever one), Machinate, Gambit
  • Run Down: Dilapidated, Squalid
  • Standing out in a negative way: Egregious
  • Immoral behaviour: Vice, Iniquity, Depraved, Reprobate
  • Full of danger/uncertainity: Parlous, Precarious, Perilous
  • Separate: Discrete
  • Obvious: Patent, Manifest, Axiomatic (self-evident)
  • Unified as a whole: Cohesion
  • Incompatible: Irreconcilable, Antithetical, Incongruous, Discordant
  • Artifical: Factitious, Feigned (simulated)
  • Slow to learn: Obtuse
  • Silly/Pointless: Fatuous, Inane, Asinine (extremely foolish), Nugatory (useless, futile)
  • Childish: Puerile, Infantile
  • Lacking intelligence: Vacuous
  • Reluctant/Unwilling: Loath
  • Quixotic: Unrealistic, Impractical
  • Hard to comprehend: Recondite
  • Easy to understand: Lucid, Perspicuous
  • Excessively concerned with minor details: Pedantic, Pedantry
  • Giving a false representation: Disingenuous
  • Describe/Display precisely: Delineate
  • Refuse to change own's opinion: Dogmatic (highly opinionated), Obdurate (Stubborn)
  • Acting without care: Imprudent, Impetous
  • Abundant/Present in Large Quantity: Prolific, Copious, Myriad, Plethora
  • A small quantity of something: Modicum, Smidgen, Soupcon
  • Excessive indulgence in pleasure: Hedonism, Debauchery, Dissipation
  • Dull/Uninteresting: Insipid (+flavorless), Humdrum (monotonous), Lacklustre, Vapid, Jejune
  • Dull/Unoriginal: Banal, Trite, Hackneyed, Hacky, Prosaic
  • Lacking interest/concern: Apathetic, Indifferent, Pococurante
  • Lacking enthusiasm: Lackadaisical, Listless, Lukewarm
  1. Time related:
  • Ancient: Primitive, Hoary
  • Belonging to another time/era: Anachronism (chronos: time)
  • Short-lived/Temporary: Ephemeral, Transitory/Transient
  • Long-lasting/Permanent: Abiding, Enduring, Perennial, Perpetuity
  • Occuring at irregular intervals of time: Sporadical
  • Occuring everyday: Quotidian, Commonplace (ordinary)
  • Lasting for an unknown period of time: Indefinite
  • Knowledge of events before time: Prescience, Presentiment, Foresight, Clairvoyance
  1. Word flow:
  • Extant: In existence
  • Efficaious: Effective
  • Blusquely: Bluntly
  • Meander: Wander
  • Clemency: Mercy
  • Palatable: Acceptable
  • Integrity: Probity
  • Adjudicate: Judge
  • Apposite: Appropriate
  • Dishonorable: Ignoble
  • Righteousness: Rectitude
  • Dispensation: Exemption
  • Approbatory: Showing approval
  • Verisimilitude: Very similar to reality
  1. Random:
  • Enigma: Mysterious (difficult to interpret)
  • Understood by a few (analogous to mysterious): Arcane, Esoteric
  • Luck: Serendipity, Providential
  • Complex: Byzantine, Convoluted
  • Discursive: Tangential
  • Cadaverous: Corpse-like
  • Mentally productive: Fecund
  • Inducing drowsiness: Soporific
  • Largesse: Money/Gifts given generously
  • Eulogy: Praise someone in their rememberance
  • Short Saying: Maxim, Dictum, Apothegm
  • Clever statement: Witticism, Quip
  • Exaggerated/Embellished/Embroidered statement: Hyperbole, Puffery (praise)
  • Unpleasant/Embarrasing/Confusing situation: Predicament, Imbroglio, Quandary (state of perplexed uncertainity)
  • Long, Angry/pompous speech: Harangue, Tirade, Diatribe (bitter verbal attack, with possible use of vitriolic language)
  1. Relating to:
  • Clothes: Sartorial
  • Beauty: Aesthetics
  • Words/Vocabulary: Lexical
  • Logic in a language: Semantics (yes, compiler design)
  1. Type of person:
  • Raconteur: Storyteller
  • Mendicant: Beggar
  • Sycophant: Flatterer
  • Proponent: Supporter
  • Disciplinarian: Martinet
  • Maverick: Radical thinker
  • Grumpy/Grouch: Curmudgeon
  • Deceiving Cheater: Hustler, Swindler, Con Artist
  • Pedant: One who overemphasizes minor rules/details
  • Prodigy: Unusual/Extraordinary person (also applies to an event)
  • Luminary: One who inspires/influences others
  • Philistine: One who is hostile/indifferent to culture
  • Misanthropist: One who dislikes humankind & avoids human society
  • Vassal: A holder of land by feudal tenure on conditions of homage and allegiance
  1. Sins:
  • Pride: Hauteur & Vanity (both extreme)
  • Greed: Avarice & Cupidity (both excessive)
  • Gluttony
    • Extremely hungry: Ravenous, Voracious
  • Envy: Begrudge
  • Laziness: Sloth, Indolence
  • Lust: Concupiscience, Lechery (offensive)
  • Wrath: Outrage, Fury, Destruction induced by ire/spleen/anger