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Javascript Notes


  • It is a standard on which javascript is based.
  • Javascript & ECMA script can almost always be used interchangably, Javascript is very liberal in what it allows.

Ways of executing Javascript

  • Javascript can be executed in browser, in Inspect -> console.
  • Another way is to use a runtime like node.js which we can install and use.
  • Adding <script> tag in html document, and writing javascript code inside it.

Variable in JS

  • dynamically typed languages - in between program running we can change type of a variable. eg - JS

  • Statically typed language - can't change in program runtime - eg - HTML

  • Ways of declaring varibles in JS

  • Through these three ways.

Through Var

  • First thing is that this is old way of creating a variable.
  • This is not preferred now to use because the variable created by using var can be changed in a block, also we can use many times var with same name of variable which is not good.

More explained in this JS file.

Through let

  • Using let is very much preferred because it works like as variables are created in python.
  • If we create a varibale using let - after that we can't make another variable with same name which we could do in case of var
  • If we create a variable of same name in a block it will be different from the one which is present outside of the block.

Through const

  • As the name suggest we use it to make constant variables which will remain same throughout the code.
  • Also we have to define the value at the time of declaring the variable name. for eg -
const a = 5;

More clearly demostrated in this file about var,let and const

Primitive & None primitive datatypes

Primitives datatypes

  • Their are 7 types of primitive datatypes Remembering technique - nn bb ss u
  • N - Null
  • N - Number
  • B - Boolean
  • B - Bigint
  • S - Symbol
  • S - String
  • U - Undefined
// Way to know the datatype of a variable.
let a = BigInt("55");
console.log(typeof a);

// bigint

Non-primitive datatypes

  • Object, Array, Function these are also their.


  • It is like dictionary in python, as simple as that.
  • One thing which is good in JS is that if you try to get an value from a key which is not present in a Object so it will print - undefined whereas in python if you do such thing it will throw an amazing error 😂

Clear example given in this FILE

  • We can access values of keys in object in these two ways.
const data = {
  "work": 1,
  "non-work": 2


// these above two will work in a same way.
  • Also you can write key of string in object without putting colon also, this works in a same way, eg -
const data = {
  work: 1,
  "non-work": 2
  • You can also change/add keys or values in object even if you made your object through const, because you're not putting different object the address is same, only new data is added. JS code that does the thing is in this FILE in line number 11-20

Expressions and operators

  • An expression is a combination of values, variables, operators, and functions that results in a value. Expressions can be as simple as a single variable or as complex as a combination of multiple operators and operands.

Eg -

5;         // Numeric literal expression
"Hello";   // String literal expression
true;      // Boolean literal expression

var x = 10;
x + 5;     // Variable expression

Arithmetic operators

  • + = Adding
  • - = Subtracting
  • * = Multiply
  • ** = Exponentiation a ^ b eg -
console.log(2 ** 3)
// OUTPUT - 8
  • / - Divide
  • % - Modulo - It gives out remainder after dividing
  • ++ = It increments the value of number by 1, in this order matters, in case of console.log(a++) first it will print existing value of a then increment it, and from next time it will print the incremented value, and if you did this console.log(++a) then as you can see it will first increment it then print the incremented value.
  • -- - same as ++, only difference is - it decrement value by 1.

Assignment Operators

In below operators we're doing the operation and assigning back the result value to it.

  • += - Increment by the value you put after +=, same as it was in python.
  • -= - same as plus, it just -
  • *= - Multiply the number with original value of it and store into it.
  • /= - divide and update value.
  • %= - set the remainder value after dividing.
  • **= - Exponentiate and update.

Example given in this FILE in line number 10-21

Comparison operator

  • == - value is same, even if datatype is different it will return true.

  • != - in this if value is same but datatype is different so it will return false for eg - console.log(5 != "5") it is because 5 and "5" are same in the way in which JS == use to check so now we are saying 5 is not equal to "5" but that is not true.. so 5!="5" will return false, because they are equal.

  • === - same value and dataype

  • !== - in this datatype will also be considered.

All are described below -

Operator Description Example
== Equal to 5 == 5 evaluates to true
=== Strict equal to 5 === "5" evaluates to false
!= Not equal to 5 != 4 evaluates to true
!== Strict not equal to 5 !== "5" evaluates to true
> Greater than 6 > 4 evaluates to true
< Less than 6 < 4 evaluates to false
>= Greater than or equal to 6 >= 6 evaluates to true
<= Less than or equal to 6 <= 4 evaluates to false

Here are some examples of comparison operators in action:

console.log(5 > 2); // true
console.log(5 == "5"); // true (type coercion is performed)
console.log(5 === "5"); // false (different types)
console.log(5 != "6"); // true
console.log(5 !== "5"); // true (different types)

Logical operators

  • && - and operator same as and in python
  • || - OR operator same as or in python
  • ! - Logical not operator, same as python.

exmaple -

const a = 10;
const b = 20;
const c = 30;

console.log(a < b && b < c); // true
console.log(a < b && b > c); // false

Ternary operator

  • It is basically a shorthand if else statement which uses this - ?
  • syntax condition? expression1: expression2, if condition is true then expression1 will run otherwise expression2 will get executed.

Eg -

let a = 18;
console.log("You can", age>18? "vote": "not vote")

Input, Alert, typecasting into number

  • input - We can take input in JS through prompt() function as input() in python.

  • Alert - It shows an elert in browser window. Giving some info.

  • Typecasting string into number - We typecaste string value got in prompt() through this -

let a = prompt("enter your age");
a = Number.parseInt(a);

Conditional expressions

  • if - First check
  • else if - another must check with a check statement, if true code under this block is exucuted.
  • else - if any condition above is not true then this block will execute.
  • You can see a proper example of above things in this FILE


For Loop

  • The syntax for for loop is same as it is in C language, which is this -
for (assignment; condition; increment){
  • So when program is executed first it will assign the variable as you gave in first statement of for loop which runs only 1 time in a loop.
  • Secondly it will check the condition provided as second statment in the for loop, if condition is true then the code present in for loop will be executed.
  • After execution the incremention of variable will be done.
  • Then again the condition will be checked if true code executed else program will end.

Eg -

for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++){
  console.log("Your current level is -", i);

Your current level is - 0
Your current level is - 1
Your current level is - 2
Your current level is - 3
Your current level is - 4
  • More example given in this FILE

For In Loop

  • It's syntax is little bit same as of for loop here is the actual syntax of for in loop.
for (let variable in object){
  • These for in loops are generally used for interating over objects. But we can also use for in loops for in case of arrays.
  • Example given in this FILE in line number 1 - 10.

For Of Loop

  • These loops are for iterating over Iterable objects for eg - strings, arrays.

Syntax of for in loop

for (let a of iterable){

Eg -

for (let b of "dance"){

  • Also we can use arrays in place of this string.

While loop

  • It runs until condition given in while is true.
  • First it checks the condition is true or not then run if it's true, and repeats this process until the given condition is false.

Syntax -


Eg - given in this FILE from line 7-15

Do while loops

  • Only difference it has from normal while loop is that this do while loop first run once then check the condition for running further.

Syntax -

do {
}while (condition)
  • More example in thie FILE from line 18-35 in which i've made a slapping game, it's very funny please check it out once.


  • Block of code which we can use many times as we want, it increases reusablity of code, and more managed code.

Syntax -

function SayHi(name){
    console.log("hi", name, "bro..");
    return "How are you bro?";


hi anant bro..
How are you bro? */
  • Modern way of writing function in JS, in this we use const and little bit different syntax.
  • It is known as Arrow function.

# Recommended way

const SayHi = (name) => {
    console.log("hi", name, "bro..");
    return "How are you bro?";


hi anant bro..
How are you bro? */
  • More example of function in this FILE


  • strings can be made through double quotes and single as well.

Ex -

let name = "anant";
let name1 = 'anant';

Template literals

  • It is like f strings in python, we are able to insert variables into a string by writing variable's name.
  • Also we can put single and double quotes in template literals

Example of making template literals

let name = "anant";
let greet = `Hey "${name}" why didn't you come yesterday?`;
// OUTPUT - Hey "anant" why didn't you come yesterday?

Escape sequence characters

  • Same as it works in python,
  • Use \ for putting single quote in a string which is made by single quotes.
  • \n - for new line.
  • \t - for tab.

String methods

  • .length - for length of string. it is a property of strings
  • .toUpperCase() - Makes capital, it is a method of strings
  • .toLowerCase() - Makes lowercase to whole string, it is a method of strings
  • .slice() - same as string slicing in python, only difference is - we put , instead of : as we used in python.
  • .replace() - for replacing one word with another in a string.
  • .concat() - used for adding many strings into a string, example below.
  • .includes() - return true if the word provided as argument is present in the string on which this method is put.
let name = "anant";
let further = " what are you doing their?";
console.log(name.concat(" is that you?", further));

// OUTPUT - anant is that you? what are you doing their?
  • .trim() - removes extra whitespaces from left and right side of a string.
  • String is immutable.


  • It is like list in python. Storing value of any datatype in this.
  • create it like this let data = [1, 2, 3, 10, "hello", undefined, true, false]
  • access the elements like this - data[1].
  • Also accessing element with such a index where any element is not present it will not throw an error it will just return undefined.
  • .length - For getting length of array.
  • Arrays are mutable.

Array methods

  • .toString() - convert whole array into a string.
  • .join() - join all the array elements using a separator.
  • .pop() - It removes the last element an array. It updates the original array.
  • .push() - adds a new element at the end of the array.
  • .shift() - removes first element of array and return it.
  • .unshift() - adds element to the beginning, and returns new length of array.
  • delete - it is an operator it deletes element provided of a array and puts this <1 empty item> on the place of that element in that array. - Example -
let num = [1,2,3];
delete num[0];

// OUTPUT - [ <1 empty item>, 2, 3 ]
  • .concat() - same works as we used it in strings to merge many strings into one, it returns a new array. Ex - console.log(nums.concat(num1, num2, num3))
  • .sort() - It changes the original array, It by default sorts the array alphabatically. like in digits also, it will put numbers starting from 1 before and after that numbers starting from 2 and so on.., But if we want to make it proper sort function we can make a function and use it like this -
let compare = (a, b) =>{
    return a - b

let num = [1,2,3, 0.1, 22];

  • .reverse() - it reverses, changes the original array.
  • .splice() - This method helps us to delete and add elements at index of our choice, arguments (index, deleteNumber, values), also it returns the deleted elments.
  • Explanation of arguments
  • index - from what index you want insert your elements.
  • deleteNumber - how many elements you want to delete from that index, and insert elements from that place, also even if deleted elemends are 0 or are less than number of elements you want to insert this .splice() will push other elements further and insert elements you provide.
  • values - list all values you want to insert seperating with a comma. Example
let num = [1,2,5,6];
let deleted = num.splice(2, 0, 3, 4);
console.log(num, deleted);
// above i'm deleting no element and entering 3 and 4 at index 4.
// OUTPUT - [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ] []
// Above deleted is empty because i deleted no elements.
  • .slice() - it is same as we did in string slicing case in js, also same as list slicing in python just sytax is different.

Using loops with arrays.

  • Looping through arrays.
let a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 10];

for (let i = 0; i<a.length; i++){
  • Using ForEach loop on array - It calls a function, once for each array element. And we can do whatever we want to do with every element. It's arguments are as follows -
const a = ["anant", "shiv", "kush"];
a.forEach((value, index, array) =>{
  console.log(`On ${index}'th index ${value} is present.`);
On 0'th index anant is present.
On 1'th index shiv is present.
On 2'th index kush is present.  */

Example - We are looping through each element and printing it's square..

// ForEach loop on arrays.
a.forEach((element) => {
    console.log(element * element)
  • Array.from - Used to create an array from any other object. It is like typecasting any other iterable datatype into list - as to say in python.. we could do this in python as -
a = "anant"
# OUTPUT - ['a', 'n', 'a', 'n', 't']

But we can do this in javascript like this..

let a = "anant";
// OUTPUT - [ 'a', 'n', 'a', 'n', 't' ]
  • For in - This loop prints the keys of arrays or say index of elements.
  • For of - this loop simply prints the elments of arrays..
  • Example of above two are in this FILE in line 20-29.

Map, Filter & Reduce

  • map() - It works same as .forEach(), only difference is it returns new array which we make and return. Example -
let arr = [5, 6, 7];
let new_arr =, index, array) => {
  return value + (2*index);
[ 5, 8, 11 ] */
  • .filter() - Use to filter elements from our array using a function - so those elements on which this function returns true come into the new created array. So this function also returns new array, doesn't modify original one. Example of this present in thie FILE in line 7-13

  • .reduce() - It takes a function as argument and it run this function on two consecutive elements of arrays each time and do same it with others and return the result. Example of this present in thie FILE in line 15-23

Using javascript with html, css

  • We can include javascript in our html either by using script tag or by including seperate javascript file ...

  • Advantages of using separate script file using src attribute of script tag.

  1. Separation of concerns
  2. Browser Caching - If a file is downloaded in a computer when we first opened a website -> then if we reload it won't be downloaded again.

Console object methods.

  • The console object has several methods, log being one of them. And more are listed below ->

  • assert() - used to check a condition.

  • clear() - to clear console.

  • log() - to print

  • table() - represents data of an object very nicely in a table. (very useful)

  • warn() - give warning.

  • error() - gives error.

  • info() - to give some info. Works similar to console.log().

  • time() & timeEnd() - use to measure time taken of doing some task, put time() on starting of that code and timeEnd() on ending of the code. and put any same string - which we say tag inside that .. Example in this FILE in line 16-20

Alert, prompt, confirm

  • alert() - simply used to give alert.
  • prompt() - arguments prompt(message, default_value) .. in default value you put that value which you want to be shown by default, and this argument is optional.
  • confirm() - it is like alert but it has ok and cancel buttons on it. return true if pressed ok and false on cancel.

Window object, BOM & DOM

  • Window consists of these three things ..
  1. DOM - (Document object model), It represents the page content of HTML, for eg- document.body - page body is represented as javascript object. eg no.2 - document.body.background = "green" - changing background color.
  2. BOM - (Browser Object Model), it provides additional objects provided by the browser(host environment) - alert/confirm/prompt are also a part of the BOM.
  3. Javascript Core
  • Everything comes under window object in javascript
  • Window object is global - So if we write window.console.log("hi") or only console.log("hi") these both will work identically.

Walking the DOM

DOM tree referes to the HTML page where all the nodes are objects. There can be 3 main types of nodes in the DOM tree -

  1. Text nodes
  2. element nodes
  3. Comment nodes
  • In HTML page, <html> is at the root and <head> and <body> are its children, etc.

  • A text node is always a leaf of the tree. It is because - if <title> this tag had text in it then we can extract text from it.. but we can't extract anything from text.. In text we can't save HTML tags.

  • Walking the DOM

  • We can get document head by this - document.head, similarly get body by - document.body

  • document.documentElement - It gives whole HTML of page.. so if we use document.documentElement.firstElementChild then we will get head.

Children of an element.

  • This concept is same as our family relations, with our relatives... siblings.. parents... etc..
  • Child nodes - Those elements that are direct children of a element.. for eg - title is direct children of head
  • Descendents nodes - All elements of further kids.. like my son's - son..

firstChild, lastChild & childNodes

  • element.firstChild -> first child element - it can be text because of space between body tag and first tag which you think..

  • element.lastChild -> last child element

  • element.childNodes -> All child nodes.

  • The thing which element.childNodes returns is a node list to make it an array we have to do let arr = Array.from(document.body.childNodes).

DOM collections

  • The thing which element.childNodes return is also called DOM collections. Their properties are as follows.
  • They are live, element added -> then this collection will be updated.
  • They are iterable using for .. of loop.

Siblings and parents

  • in above html code.. - p is next and right sibling of h1

  • and h1 is left sibling of p.

  • We can get next sibling of a element by following way. element.nextSibling.

  • element.parentNode - For checking parent of a element.

  • element.parentElement - It will return the parent only if it's parent is an element, otherwise it will return null.

Element Only Navigation

If we try to get first child of a parent then we get text because of space present between tags.. so for getting first element child.. we use following thing..

  • element.firstElementChild - First element child of an element in HTML
  • document.previousElementSibling
  • document.nextElementSibling
  • document.lastElementChild
  • element.children - it is their for usage in place of element.childNodes - for getting only all element childs.

Table Navigation

  • The table DOM element provides more properties which are as follows -

  • table.rows - collection of tr elements.

  • table.caption - reference of caption.

  • table.tHead - reference to thead

  • table.tFoot - reference to tfoot

  • table.tbodies - collection of tbody elements.

  • tbody.rows - Collection of tr inside.

  • tr.cells - collection of td and th

  • tr.SectionRowIndex - Index of tr inside enclosing element.

  • tr.rowIndex - Row number starting from 0.

  • tr.cellIndex - no. of cells inside enclosing tr.

Searching the DOM

  • document.getElementById() - We can get element using it's id giving it as argument to this function.
let heading = document.getElementById("heading1");
// Though this we are changing background. = "grey";
  • document.querySelectorAll() - Return all elements inside an element matching the given CSS selector or say class name. Argument given like this - (".heading1")
  • document.querySelector() - We use this in case we have only one element having that class name in the DOM, so in return we get only one element through this function.
  • document.getElementsByTagName() - Returns all elements of same tag, eg - h1, or p
  • document.getElementsByClassName() - returns elements that have the given CSS class.
  • document.getElementsByName() - Searches elements by the name of attribute.

Matches, Closest & Contains methods

  • element.matches(class) - To check if element matches the given CSS selector, or say given class. Returns true and false. below is example.
para1 = document.getElementById("para1")

/* Checking if element whos id is para1 does 
belongs to test class or not.  */
  • element.closest(class) - It is used to check the closest element who have the given css selector, present in ancestor elements, it also checks itself.
  • element.contains(elementB) - returns true if elementB is inside element(a descendant of element) or when element == elementB.

Events & other DOM properties

  • console.dir() - It shows an element with its properties whereas .log() shows the element DOM tree.

  • Below are used to read tag name of an element.

  • tagName - only exists for element nodes.

  • nodeName - defined for any node (text, comments etc.)

  • element.innerHTML - It gives the html present inside the tag as text.

  • element.outerHTML - It gives the html present inside the tag as text + the tag itself is present in the string.

  • innerhtml is only valid for elment nodes. For other node types we can use nodeValue or data. Example - document.body.firstChild.nodeValue.

  • element.textContent - It prints only text inside a tag. All child tag's text will also be printed.

  • The Hidden Property - if we put hidden property in a html tag, it will be hidden. And we can make it visible through javascript as follows - element.hidden = false; - this will work.

Attribute methods

  • element.getAttribute(name) - Method used to get the value of an attribute.
  • element.hasAttribute(name) - Method to check for existence of an attribute.
  • element.setAttribute(name, value) - Method to set the value of an attribute.

Example -

document.getElementById("header-entry").setAttribute("class", "work1 main-class");
  • element.removeAttribute(name) - Method to remove an attribute.
  • element.attributes - Method to get the collection of all attributes.

Data-customAttribute attributes

We can create custom attribute in javscript for putting in html tags, but in case in future attribute of same name is introduced as you created - that may create an issue, for preventing this we've a property which is element.dataset, we can create custom attributes in this way -

<div id="ele1" class="main" data-value="50" data-name="qualified" data-work="running">
   Inside content

Like above we can create custom attributes starting from data- and we can access the values in the following way:-

let element = document.getElementById("ele1");
// Through this all attributes created will be printed like this
DOMStringMap(3) { value → "50", name → "qualified", work → "running" }

also then we can access specific values like this -   */

/* OUTPUT - 50  */

Insertion methods

One way to add html.

let div = document.createElement('div') // creating element
div.className = "alert"    // Set class
div.innerHTML = " <span>hello</span>"
  • node.appendChild(element) - This will insert our created element as a child in node.
  • node.append(element) - To add element at last place in the node.
  • node.prepend(element) - To add element at first place in the node.
  • node.prepend(element) - To add element at first place in the node.
  • node.before(element) - To add element before the node.
  • node.after(element) - To add element after the node.
  • node.replaceWith(element) - node will be replaced with element.

Insert Adjacent HTML/Text/Element

This method also helps us to insert HTML. Its syntax is as follows: -

let element1 = document.getElementById("first");
element1.insertAdjacentHTML('place', 'HTML');

// Place - Here you've to chose where to insert HTML
  • Follows are places where you can insert HTML.

  • beforebegin - Before the tag on which you're running this method.

  • afterbegin - Inserts HTML just after beginning the Element.

  • beforeend - Before ending of tag.

  • afterend - After ending of tag.

Node Removal

  • element.remove() - It will remove element from HTML.

ClassName & ClassList

Through following we can remove/add/toggle specific classes of an element in HTML.

  • element.classList.add/remove("class") - Adds/removes a class.
  • element.classList.toggle("class") - Adds class if it isn't their in element or removes it.
  • element.classList.contains("class") - Check presence of a class, true, false return value.

Set TimeOut & Set Interval

  • setTimeout() - Used for running a script after a given time period of running this method. Syntax below..
let timerID = setTimeout(function, delay, arg1, arg2);
  • Also we can cancel the timeout if we want, it is like diffusing a time bomb. We can do it by the use of return value of running this method.
  • setInterval() - We keep running the function after given time interval. Syntax & arguments
let intervalID = setInterval(function, delay, arg1, arg2);
  • Stopping the the interval...

Browser events

  • Some DOM events are as follows:-

  • Mouse events

  • Keyboard events

  • Form element events

  • Document events

  • Handling events

We can handle events by HTML attributes, like below example.

<h5 class="s1head" onclick="alert('You clicked me bro..')">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Esse, totam.</h5>

Events can also be handled like this in javascript file:-

s1head.onclick = function(){
  alert("Are you ok?");
  • addEventListener & removeEventListener

  • addEventListener is used to assign multiple handlers to an event.

element.addEventListener(event, handler);
element.removeEventListener(event, handler);

/* in above handler - event argument are like - 'onclick', 'onmouseenter' etc.
  and handler is a function which will come in action if that event occured.  */
  • The Event object

  • When an object happens the browser creates an event objects put details into it and passes it as an argument to the handler

elem.onclick = function(event) {
  • event.type - Event type.
  • event.currentTarget - element that handled the event.. "in case of you put event on a container and inside it their are many elements, and we wanna know through which element the event is occured"
  • event.clientX / event.clientY - coordinates of the cursor