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Releases: Aliharu/Foundry-Ex3


25 Feb 17:03
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Bug Fixes
-Added missing options to the charm ability select
-Added a "None" field for alt prerequisite ability list

Journal Cascades
-Martial arts and Evocations will now be populated in character mode. They use the same logic as the character creator for determining availability.

Dice Roller
-Grapple Control Rounds added to costs list

Archetype on Rituals/Sorcery Merits
-You can add a text field for rituals and sorcery merits designating their archetype so for example "Bargain with Mara"
-The Character creator will filter sorcery rituals based on which archetype you have chosen for you ritual

Character Creator
-In addition to the archetype additions above import items will now filter merits by type.


16 Feb 21:22
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Hotfix for missing abilities


16 Feb 18:40
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Alternate Rules
-Alternate Rule options have been added for the "Steady" Action from crucible and Simple Crafting

Character Creator
-Characters made in the character creator should now have their items properly work for the import button (This will not fix existing characters)
-Sidereals will now be created with a Target Number altering charm similar to the others.

Alternate Prerequisites (Archetype)
-Support for alternate prereqs have been added to charms in the other tab
-These will function as a secondary prereq and ill show up in the charm imports if they are a valid charm to take. Should work in charm cards and the import button for charms.
-The template importer will automatically populate these fields for Lunar Archetype charms.

Charm Cards
-There is now an option to use simple text instead of links when making cards.

Minor Changes
-The import button should now properly populate Martial Arts and Evocation Charms similar to the character creator (Characters made in the character creator may not see them still, see the character creator notes)
-The ability select for charms has been changed to be more readable


09 Feb 15:45
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Bug Fixes
-Fixed issue where importing charms into the character sheet would not count for charm prerequisites when importing additional charms
-Made some slight wording changes to the advancement dialogue

Dice Roller
-Can make "Trigger on 10s" also trigger on 9s. Same with "Trigger on 1s" and twos
-Fixed a bug where "Trigger on 10s" for damage was using the cap from the normal trigger on 10s
-Trigger on 10s was previously not triggering when the 10 die was "rerolled". This will no longer happen unless the die was rerolled due to "Reroll Successes"

Character Builder
-The ox-body input should now show up for dragonblooded


05 Feb 16:05
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-The Importer should be a bit smarter about single line items
-The importer will now correctly find the newly formatted shaping rituals in statblocks

Character Creator
-Tell, Spirit Shape, and the Sidereal signs have been added as options

Dice Roller
-Reroll Successes has been added as a dice option as as an opposed charm bonus. This will cause one of your successful dice to be rerolled starting with (Lowest success number default 7) going up.
-"Auto Defense Stunt" and wound penalties should probably work now.

Other Changes
-Training times will show up even if you have the unified xp option enabled
-Fix an issue with missing sidereal signs


14 Jan 02:44
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Added "Thaumaturgy" as an option for merit type

Template importer
-Fixed bug where error messages were not showing up
-The "circle" select should not longer set itself to terrestrial after every import

Character Creator
-Removing a charm should now remove it from the ability section as well
-You can now set how many instances you are getting of a charm for purposes of charm numbers
-There is an input for ox-body now that will automatically set health on chargen.


10 Jan 04:08
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Template Importer
-Changing various settings should no longer clear the textbox
-Replaces the Folder text box with a folder select

Bug Fixes
-Fixed bug where there was no option to not be a sorcerer in the settings
-Fixed bug where Ship/Warsrider was bugging out on the sheet

Character Creator
-Charm Import will now correctly check that all charm prerequisites have been fulfilled

Character Sheet
-You can now import charms/spells similar to the character creator
-The Advancement dialogue now has the chart for Unified character creation if that setting is enabled


03 Jan 01:16
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-Fixed issue with new icons breaking firefox


02 Jan 04:54
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Bug Fixes
-Fixed bug where actors made from the character creator were not having their derived stats set correctly
-Fixed bug where Read Intentions was not correctly targeting tokens

Mounted Combat
-Added a new effect "Mounted" this will give you the mounted bonuses detailed in pg 203 of Core. Has support for the various effects of being mounted.
-New Weapon tag "Lance" added. While not an official tag this will designate the weapon as a lance and allow for the impale action
-New special attack "Impale" added. Does the effect of the action detailed in page 203.


31 Dec 20:37
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Character Creator
-Added dice icon buttons to add random items to the character
-The "Random Charms" and "Random Spells" boxes in the character creator have been removed and replaced with these icons.