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Releases: Aliharu/Foundry-Ex3


05 Sep 23:47
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Item Search

  • Added additional filters and item types to the item search
  • Reworked the UI to better incorporate these elements and display more items.


  • New Macro, Advance Time. This will advance time by hours/days. Restoring Motes/Willpower/Health.
  • New Scene Macro will no longer restore motes

Other Changes

  • Moved Journal Cascades, Template Importer, Prophecy, and Item Search to AppV2
  • If you Cancel the roll, the pre roll chat box will be deleted
  • The Import/Create buttons are now directly in the bottom of the Actor Directory instead of popping up a dialog.


28 Aug 22:30
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  • Fixed bug where many of the requirement dropdowns were pointing to the bonuses not the requirements causing weird changes in triggers.
  • Triggers will now activate once for every instance of a charm being added.
  • "Item Added Amount" will trigger if the instance of the charm is equal or greater than the number. If you have a trigger with this requirement set to "3" and add it 3 times it will only trigger on the third time
  • Fixed a bug where the Threshold Successes was not working correctly.
  • New Trigger type "Item Added", this will trigger when the charm is added to a roll. Certain bonuses will not work for this like things that depend on the results of the roll.

Character Builder

  • Excellencies now have different default icons for a few of the exalts.
  • The sidereal TN excellency now has a trigger built into it to trigger the WP cost when its added thrice.

Other Changes

  • Moved the Import dialogs to DialogV2


17 Aug 20:55
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  • New Trigger: "Reroll Number Descending" this rerolls a # of dice starting with the highest number going down.
  • New Trigger: "Trigger on Ones Damage"

Bug Fixes

  • "Reroll Number" was suppose to start with the lowest number dice and climb up but was starting at the highest number, this has been fixed
  • Fixed issue where "Reroll Number Dice Damage" was not working when added from Dice Triggers

Other Changes

  • The NPC generator has been removed. If you want to make NPCs use the character builder and set the type to NPC
  • Various dialogs have been moved to Foundry's DialogV2 that uses different styles and has better support for certain features
  • Added a "XP to Essence" table to the advancement dialog


11 Aug 06:11
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  • New Trigger: Target Doesn't Reset Onslaught (1 Turn), will cause target to not reset onslaught next turn
  • New Trigger: Add Onslaught and Add Magic Onslaught. Will add to the onslaught penalty when triggered. Magic onslaught will bypass the Legendary Size immunity.
  • Added dropdowns for many options, this may cause certain "Trigger on Xs" effects to show as blank until the dropdown is properly set.

Bug Fixes

  • The "Auto Add" on merits should now trigger properly on Attributes

Other Changes

  • If you make a charm on an actor, it will check the actors exalt type. If it matches any of the types in the charm it will set that charm type the exalt automatically. This does not work on individual Exigents such as Janest.
  • "charmtype" on charms now defaults to "other" instead of "".
  • Committing charms now tracks which pool it was committed from and will add back to that pool instead of the characters selected pool.


08 Aug 22:55
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  • New Bonus: Capped Threshold to Damage, A number field, this field will convert extra successes to damage capped by the input inputted.
  • New Requirement: Yes or No Prompt. Will create a dialog with the text in the value input and a yes and no button. "Yes" will pass the requirement, "No" will fail the requirement and the attached bonuses will not be added.
  • The attack type requirement will show a dropdown for the 3 options instead of an open input. I'm looking into doing this for more options but have not determined a good way of doing so.

Other Changes

  • Sectioned out the active effects dropdown to be more readable.
  • If "Auto add to rolls" is set to true on merits, an ability and attribute field will become available to select.


02 Aug 16:49
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V12 Update

  • System is now V12 only
  • Set the stylings dialogue to use foundry's color picker for the color selections
  • Fixed issue keeping V12 dice so nice from working

Other Changes

  • Classification will no longer show up on PCs in the character builder because it doesn't do anything and caused confusion
  • Motes no longer auto update when changing creature type other than Exalt


25 Jul 01:58
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Template Importer

  • Name should now be properly set on the token of created actors
  • An armor item will now be made with its name when making a QC. No stats will be set for it due to it being impossible to know what is and is not armored soak on a QC

Minor Fixes

  • Fixed some typos in the Sorcerous working dialogue


  • "Double Pre-Rolled Damage", "Gain Initiative", and "Inflict Status (Such as prone)" have been added to trigger bonuses


18 Jul 20:29
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Specific Charm Triggers

  • Added an option for "Specific Charms" for things that are automatable but cannot fit into any of the boxes. Right now the list contains some of the more unusual solar dice tricks
  • The checkboxes for the 2 special solar craft charms have been removed. Use this new feature if you want to use them

Dice Roll Sorting

  • feat: Added settings, lang and function to enable/disable sorting of dice by @Rhapsody-Sky in #43

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug where specialties were showing as set but not being set
  • Fixed bug where activated items in the Effects tab had broken images
  • Fixed bug where "Wound Penalty Modifier" was not working when set in the effects tab input
  • FoundryVTT Version 12 Stable Update (Build 329) fixed the actor permissions issue. Code has been re-implemented that will allow users with actor creation permission to create actors with the Character Builder

Other Changes

  • 'inc' wound levels now default to wound penalty 4 and not wound penalty 0 if you are making roll at incap for some reason.


06 Jul 04:45
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Character Builder

  • Fixed bug where charms for specific exigents would not show up in the item lists

Other Changes

  • Added triggers to weapons. These triggers will automatically add if the weapon is used to attack.


01 Jul 01:03
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Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where characters created by players would not have certain data set correctly
  • Fixed issue where "martial arts" was getting set by setting it to favored
  • Fixed issue where item descriptions were not properly getting set when importing items
  • Characters made by players should now have ownership set correctly.
  • Fixed bug where "Also Trigger Twos" was not getting set correctly.

Other Changes

  • Added triggers and activatable options to Items