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Custom Transforms and Renditions

Transformation changes from Content Services 6.2

Alfresco Content Services provides a number of content transforms.

From Content Services 6.2 it is possible to create custom transforms that run in separate processes known as T-Engines (short for Transformer Engines). The same engines may be used in Community and Enterprise Editions. They may be directly connected to the Repository as Local Transforms, but in the Enterprise edition there is the option to include them as part of the Alfresco Transform Service (ATS), which provides a more balanced throughput.

A T-Engine is intended to be run as a Docker image, but may also be run as a standalone process.

Prior to Content Services 6.0 Legacy transformers ran within the same JVM as the Repository. They and their supporting classes were deprecated in Content Services 6.0 and have now been removed. Content Services 6.2 still uses them if a rendition cannot be created by the Transform Service or Local Transforms. The process of migrating custom legacy transformers is described at the end of this page.

One of the advantages of Custom Transforms and Renditions in Content Services 6.2 and above is that there is no longer any need for custom Java code, Spring bean definitions, or alfresco properties to be applied to the Repository. Generally custom transforms and renditions can now be added to Docker deployments without having to create or apply an AMP/JAR, or even restarting the repository.

Repository Configuration

Configure a T-Engine as a Local Transform

For the Repository to talk to a T-Engine, it must know the engine's URL. The URL can be added as an Alfresco global property, or more simply as a Java system property. JAVA_OPTS may be used to set this if starting the repository with Docker.


The <engineName> is a unique name of the T-Engine. For example, localTransform.helloworld.url. Typically, a T-Engine contains a single transform or an associated group of transforms. Having set the URL to a T-Engine, the Repository will update its configuration by requesting the T-Engine configuration on a periodical basis. It is requested more frequently on start up or if a communication or configuration problem has occurred, and less frequently otherwise.

local.transform.service.cronExpression=4 30 0/1 * * ?
local.transform.service.initialAndOnError.cronExpression=0 * * * * ?

Enabling and disabling Local or Transform Service transforms

Local or Transform Service transforms can be enabled or disabled independently of each other. The Repository will try to transform content using the Transform Service if possible and fall back to a Local Transform. If you are using Share, Local Transforms are required, as they support both synchronous and asynchronous requests. Share makes use of both, so functionality such as preview will be unavailable if Local transforms are disabled. The Transform service only supports asynchronous requests.

The following sections will show how to create a Local Transform pipeline, a Local Transform failover or a Local transform override, but remember that they will not be used if the Transform Service (ATS) if it is able to do the transform and is enabled.


Setting the enabled state to false will disable all of the transforms performed by that particular service. It is possible to disable individual Local Transforms by setting the corresponding T-Engine URL property localTransform.&lt;engineName>.url value to an empty string.


Transformer Config

Transformer selection strategy

The Repository and ATS router use the T-Engine configuration to choose which T-Engine will perform a transform. A transformer definition contains a supported list of source and target Media Types. This is used for the most basic selection. This is further refined by checking that the definition also supports transform options (parameters) that have been supplied in a transform request or a Rendition Definition used in a rendition request. See Configure a Custom Rendition.

Transformer 1 defines options: Op1, Op2
Transformer 2 defines options: Op1, Op2, Op3, Op4
Rendition provides values for options: Op2, Op3

If we assume both transformers support the required source and target Media Types, Transformer 2 will be selected because it knows about all the supplied options. The definition may also specify that some options are required or grouped.

The configuration may impose a source file size limit resulting in the selection of a different transformer. Size limits are normally added to avoid the transforms consuming too many resources. The configuration may also specify a priority which will be used in Transformer selection if there are a number of options. The highest priority is the one with the lowest number.

Transform pipelines

Transforms may be combined in a pipeline to form a new transform, where the output from one becomes the input to the next and so on. A pipeline definition (JSON) defines the sequence of transform steps and intermediate Media Types. Like any other transformer, it specifies a list of supported source and target Media Types. If you don't supply any, all possible combinations are assumed to be available. The definition may reuse the transformOptions of transformers in the pipeline, but typically will define its own subset of these.

The following example begins with the helloWorld Transformer described in Creating a T-Engine, which takes a text file containing a name and produces an HTML file with a Hello <name> message in the body. This is then transformed back into a text file. This example contains just one pipeline transformer, but many may be defined in the same file.

  "transformers": [
      "transformerName": "helloWorldText",
      "transformerPipeline" : [
        {"transformerName": "helloWorld", "targetMediaType": "text/html"},
        {"transformerName": "html"}
      "supportedSourceAndTargetList": [
        {"sourceMediaType": "text/plain", "priority": 45,  "targetMediaType": "text/plain" }
      "transformOptions": [
  • transformerName - Try to create a unique name for the transform.
  • transformerPipeline - A list of transformers in the pipeline. The targetMediaType specifies the intermediate Media Types between transformers. There is no final targetMediaType as this comes from the supportedSourceAndTargetList.
  • supportedSourceAndTargetList - The supported source and target Media Types, which refer to the Media Types this pipeline transformer can transform from and to, additionally you can set the priority and the maxSourceSizeBytes see Supported Source and Target List. If blank, this indicates that all possible combinations are supported. This is the cartesian product of all source types to the first intermediate type and all target types from the last intermediate type. Any combinations supported by the first transformer are excluded. They will also have the priority from the first transform.
  • transformOptions - A list of references to options required by the pipeline transformer.

Custom Pipeline definitions need to be placed in a directory of the Repository. The default location (below) may be changed by resetting the following Alfresco global property. The ATS Router has similar pipeline files.


Local transform-core-aio docker image might need a newer version of image and approach with providing config directly to the T-Engine.

On startup this location is checked every minute, but then switches to once an hour if successful. After a problem, it tries every minute again. These are the same properties used to decide when to read T-Engine configurations, because pipelines combine transformers in the T-Engines.

local.transform.service.cronExpression=4 30 0/1 * * ?
local.transform.service.initialAndOnError.cronExpression=0 * * * * ?

If you are using Docker Compose in development, you will need to copy your pipeline definition into your running Repository container. One way is to use the following command, and it will be picked up the next time the location is read, which is dependent on the cron values.

docker cp custom_pipelines.json <alfresco container>:/usr/local/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension/transform/pipelines/

In a Kubernetes environment, ConfigMaps can be used to add pipeline definitions. You will need to create a ConfigMap from the JSON file and mount the ConfigMap through a volume to the Repository pods.

kubectl create configmap custom-pipeline-config --from-file=name_of_a_file.json

The necessary volumes are already provided out of the box and the files in ConfigMap custom-pipeline-config will be mounted to /usr/local/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension/transform/pipelines/. Again, the files will be picked up the next time the location is read, or when the repository pods are restarted.

From Kubernetes documentation: Caution: If there are some files in the mountPath location, they will be deleted.

Failover transforms

A failover transform, simply provides a list of transforms to be attempted one after another until one succeeds. For example, you may have a fast transform that is able to handle a limited set of transforms and another that is slower but handles all cases.

  "transformers": [
      "transformerName": "imgExtractOrImgCreate",
      "transformerFailover" : [ "imgExtract", "imgCreate" ],
      "supportedSourceAndTargetList": [
        {"sourceMediaType": "application/", "priority": 150, "targetMediaType": "image/png" },
        {"sourceMediaType": "application/vnd.sun.xml.calc.template",       "priority": 150, "targetMediaType": "image/png" }
  • transformerName - Try to create a unique name for the transform.
  • transformerFaillover - A list of transformers to try.
  • supportedSourceAndTargetList - The supported source and target Media Types, which refer to the Media Types this failover transformer can transform from and to, additionally you can set the priority and the maxSourceSizeBytes see Supported Source and Target List. Unlike pipelines, it must not be blank.
  • transformOptions - A list of references to options required by the pipeline transformer.

Adding pipelines and failover transforms to a T-Engine

Since Content Services version 7.2 and ATS 1.5

So far we have talked about defining pipelines and failover transforms in the Repository or ATS router pipeline files. It is also possible to add them to a T-Engine's configuration, even when they reference a transformer provided by another T-Engine. It is only when all transform steps exist that the pipeline or failover transform becomes available. Warning messages will be issued if step transforms do not exist.

Generally it is better to add them to T-Engines to avoid having to add an identical entry to both the Repository and ATS Router pipeline files.

Since Alfresco Transform Core 3.0.0, config files with additional pipelines or overrides can be provided directly to a T-Engine image through additional config files (which may be resources on the classpath or external files) that are specified with Spring Boot properties such as transform.config.file. or environment variables like TRANSFORM_CONFIG_FILE_. In case of issues with changing configuration of transform-core-aio T-Engine such approach may be necessary.

Modifying existing configuration

Since Content Services version 7.2 and ATS 1.5

The Repository and ATS router read the configuration from T-Engines and then their own pipeline files. The T-Engine order is based on the <engineName> and the pipeline file order is based on the filenames. As sorting is alphanumeric, you may wish to consider using a fixed length numeric prefix.

For example:



The following sections describe ways to modify the configuration that has already been read. This may be added to T-Engine or pipeline files.

Overriding transforms

It is possible to override a previously defined transform definition. The following example removes most of the supported source to target media types from the standard "libreoffice" transform. It also changes the max size and priority of others. This is not something you would normally want to do.

  "transformers": [
      "transformerName": "libreoffice",
      "supportedSourceAndTargetList": [
        {"sourceMediaType": "text/csv", "maxSourceSizeBytes": 1000, "targetMediaType": "text/html" },
        {"sourceMediaType": "text/csv", "targetMediaType": "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet" },
        {"sourceMediaType": "text/csv", "targetMediaType": "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet-template" },
        {"sourceMediaType": "text/csv", "targetMediaType": "text/tab-separated-values" },
        {"sourceMediaType": "text/csv", "priority": 45, "targetMediaType": "application/" },
        {"sourceMediaType": "text/csv", "priority": 155, "targetMediaType": "application/pdf" }

Removing a transformer

Since Content Services version 7.2 and ATS 1.5

To discard a previous transformer definition include its name in the optional "removeTransformers" list. You might want to do this if you have a replacement and wish keep the overall configuration simple (so it contains no alternatives), or you wish to temporarily remove it. The following example removes two transformers before processing any other configuration in the same T-Engine or pipeline file.

  "removeTransformers" : [

Overriding the supportedSourceAndTargetList

Since Content Services version 7.2 and ATS 1.5

Rather than totally override an existing transform definition from another T-Engine or pipeline file, it is generally simpler to modify the "supportedSourceAndTargetList" by adding elements to the optional "addSupported", "removeSupported" and "overrideSupported" lists. You will need to specify the "transformerName" but you will not need to repeat all the other "supportedSourceAndTargetList" values, which means if there are changes in the original, the same change is not needed in a second place. The following example adds one transform, removes two others and changes the "priority" and "maxSourceSizeBytes" of another. This is done before processing any other configuration in the same T-Engine or pipeline file.

  "addSupported": [
      "transformerName": "Archive",
      "sourceMediaType": "application/zip",
      "targetMediaType": "text/csv",
      "priority": 60,
      "maxSourceSizeBytes": 18874368
  "removeSupported": [
      "transformerName": "Archive",
      "sourceMediaType": "application/zip",
      "targetMediaType": "text/xml"
      "transformerName": "Archive",
      "sourceMediaType": "application/zip",
      "targetMediaType": "text/plain"
  "overrideSupported": [
      "transformerName": "Archive",
      "sourceMediaType": "application/zip",
      "targetMediaType": "text/html",
      "priority": 60,
      "maxSourceSizeBytes": 18874368

Default maxSourceSizeBytes and priority values

Since Content Services version 7.2 and ATS 1.5

When defining "supportedSourceAndTargetList" elements the "priority" and "maxSourceSizeBytes" are optional and normally have the default values of 50 and -1 (no limit). It is possible to change those defaults. In precedence order from most specific to most general these are defined by combinations of "transformerName" and "sourceMediaType".

  • transformer and source media type default - both specified
  • transformer default - only the transformer name is specified
  • source media type default - only the source media type is specified
  • system wide default - neither are specified.

Both "priority" and "maxSourceSizeBytes" may be specified in an element, but if only one is specified it is only that value that is being defaulted.

Being able to change the defaults is particularly useful once a T-Engine has been developed as it allows a system administrator to handle limitations that are only found later. The system wide defaults are generally not used but are included for completeness. The following example says that the "Office" transformer by default should only handle zip files up to 18 Mb and by default the maximum size of a .doc file to be transformed is 4 Mb. The third example defaults the priority, possibly allowing another transformer that has specified a priority of say 50 to be used in preference.

Defaults values are only applied after T-Engine and pipeline files have been read.

  "supportedDefaults": [
      "transformerName": "Office",             // default for a source type within a transformer
      "sourceMediaType": "application/zip",
      "maxSourceSizeBytes": 18874368
      "sourceMediaType": "application/msword", // defaults for a source type
      "maxSourceSizeBytes": 4194304,
      "priority": 45
      "priority": 60                           // system wide default
      "maxSourceSizeBytes": -1                 // system wide default

Configure a custom rendition

Renditions are a representation of source content in another form. A Rendition Definition (JSON) defines the transform option (parameter) values that will be passed to a transformer and the target Media Type.

  "renditions": [
      "renditionName": "helloWorld",
      "targetMediaType": "text/html",
      "options": [
        {"name": "language", "value": "German"}
  • renditionName - A unique rendition name.
  • targetMediaType - The target Media Type for the rendition.
  • options - The list of transform option names and values corresponding to the transform options defined in T-Engine configuration. If you specify sourceNodeRef without a value, the system will automatically add the values at run time.

Just like Pipeline Definitions, custom Rendition Definitions need to be placed in a directory of the Repository. There are similar properties that control where and when these definitions are read and the same approach may be taken to get them into Docker Compose and Kubernetes environments.

rendition.config.cronExpression=2 30 0/1 * * ?
rendition.config.initialAndOnError.cronExpression=0 * * * * ?

In a Kubernetes environment:

kubectl create configmap custom-rendition-config --from-file=name_of_a_file.json

The necessary volumes are already provided out of the box and the files in ConfigMap custom-rendition-config will be mounted to /usr/local/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension/transform/renditions/. Again, the files will be picked up the next time the location is read, or when the repository pods are restarted.

Disabling an existing rendition

Just like transforms, it is possible to override renditions. The following example effectively disables the doclib rendition, used to create the thumbnail images in Share's Document Library page and other client applications. A good name for this file might be 0200-disableDoclib.json.

  "renditions": [
      "renditionName": "doclib",
      "targetMediaType": "image/png",
      "options": [
        {"name": "unsupported", "value": 123}

Because there is not a transformer with an transform option called unsupported, the rendition can never be performed. Having turned on TransformerDebug logging you normally you would see a transform taking place for -- doclib -- when you upload a file in Share. With this override the doclib transform does not appear.

Overriding an existing rendition

It is possible to change a rendition by overriding it. The following 0300-biggerThumbnails.json file changes the size of the doclib image from 100x100 to be 123x123 and introduces another rendition called biggerThumbnail that is 200x200.

  "renditions": [
      "renditionName": "doclib",
      "targetMediaType": "image/png",
      "options": [
        {"name": "resizeWidth", "value": 123},
        {"name": "resizeHeight", "value": 123},
        {"name": "allowEnlargement", "value": false},
        {"name": "maintainAspectRatio", "value": true},
        {"name": "autoOrient", "value": true},
        {"name": "thumbnail", "value": true}
      "renditionName": "biggerThumbnail",
      "targetMediaType": "image/png",
      "options": [
        {"name": "resizeWidth", "value": 200},
        {"name": "resizeHeight", "value": 200},
        {"name": "allowEnlargement", "value": false},
        {"name": "maintainAspectRatio", "value": true},
        {"name": "autoOrient", "value": true},
        {"name": "thumbnail", "value": true}

Configure a custom MIME type

Quite often the reason a custom transform is created is to convert to or from a MIME type (or Media type) that is not known to Content Services by default. Another reason is to introduce an application specific MIME type that indicates a specific use of a more general format such as XML or JSON. From Content Services 6.2, it is possible add custom MIME types in a similar way to custom Pipelines and Renditions. The JSON format and properties are as follows:

  "mediaTypes": [
      "name": "MPEG4 Audio",
      "mediaType": "audio/mp4",
      "extensions": [
        {"extension": "m4a"}
      "name": "Plain Text",
      "mediaType": "text/plain",
      "text": true,
      "extensions": [
        {"extension": "txt", "default": true},
        {"extension": "sql", "name": "SQL"},
        {"extension": "properties", "name": "Java Properties"},
        {"extension": "log", "name": "Log File"}
  • name Display name of the mimetype or file extension. Optional for extensions.
  • mediaType used to identify the content.
  • text optional value indicating if the mimetype is text based.
  • extensions a list of possible extensions.
  • extension the file extension.
  • default indicates the extension is the default one if there is more than one.
mimetype.config.cronExpression=0 30 0/1 * * ?
mimetype.config.initialAndOnError.cronExpression=0 * * * * ?

In a Kubernetes environment:

kubectl create configmap custom-mimetype-config --from-file=name_of_a_file.json

The necessary volumes are already provided out of the box and the files in ConfigMap custom-mimetype-config will be mounted to /usr/local/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/extension/mimetypes. Again, the files will be picked up the next time the location is read, or when the repository pods are restarted.

Configure the repository to use the Transform Service

The Transform service is disabled by default, but Docker Compose and Kubernetes Helm Charts enable it again by setting transform.service.enabled=true. The Transform Service handles communication with all its own T-Engines and builds up its own combined configuration JSON which is requested by the Repository periodically.

transform.service.cronExpression=4 30 0/1 * * ?
transform.service.initialAndOnError.cronExpression=0 * * * * ?

ATS Configuration

Configure a T-Engine as a Remote Transform

Please follow the steps described in Alfresco Transform Service Docs.

Creating a T-Engine

The deployment and development of a T-Engine transformer is simpler than before.

  • Transformers no longer need to be applied as AMPs/JARs on top of the Repository.
  • New versions may be deployed separately without restarting the repository.
  • As a standalone Spring Boot application develop and test cycles are reduced.
  • A base Spring Boot application is provided with hook points to extend with custom transform code.
  • The base also includes the creation of a Docker image for your Spring Boot application. Even if you don't intend to deploy with Docker, this may still be of interest, as the configuration of any tools or libraries used in the transform need only be done once rather than for every development or ad-hoc test environment.

Developing a new T-Engine

The process of developing a new T-Engine is described on the Creating a T-Engine page. It walks through the steps involved in creating a simple Hello World transformer and includes commands to help test.

When developing new Local Transformers it is generally a good idea to increase the frequency of the polling of the various locations that contain custom Pipeline, Rendition, Mimetype Definitions and also of the Transform Service.

mimetype.config.cronExpression=0 0/1 * * * ?
rendition.config.cronExpression=2 0/1 * * * ?
local.transform.service.cronExpression=4 0/1 * * * ?
transform.service.cronExpression=6 0/1 * * * ?

Migrating a Legacy Transformer

Content Services 6.2 is useful if you already have custom transformers based on the legacy approach, because it will allow you to gradually migrate them. Initially you will probably want to create new T-Engines but run them as Local Transformers attached directly to the Repository. All of the transforms provided with the base Content Services are available as Local Transformers, so may be combined with your own Local Transformers in Local Pipelines. Once happy you have everything working it then probably makes sense to add your new T-Engines to the Transform Service. The Migrating a Legacy Transformer page helps by showing which areas of legacy code are no longer needed and which sections can be simply copied and pasted into the new code. Some of the concepts have changed sightly to simplify what the custom transform developer needs to do and understand.