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File metadata and controls

289 lines (224 loc) · 13.9 KB

Creating customized Docker images using an existing Docker image


The recommended way of building extensions is to use Rest APIs. The AMP extension mechanism may be replaced in the future.


  • The extension is packaged inside an AMP
  • Docker
  • Access to Docker registry where the new Docker image will be pushed

Applying AMPs that don't require additional configuration (easy)

Note: We are going to use a fork of the alfresco-bulk-import tool, this is compatible with Alfresco 6.0.X(enterprise)/6.0.3(community) and above.


  • We are going to use the following folder and file structure:
alfresco-custom-image                          (Dir)
└───Dockerfile                                (File)
└───amps                                       (Dir)
    └───alfresco-bulk-import-*.amp            (File)
  • Clone and download alfresco-bulk-import project.

  • Trigger a Maven build from the root folder of the project (SOMEPATH/alfresco-bulk-import).

mvn clean install
  • Copy SOMEPATH/alfresco-bulk-import/amp/target/alfresco-bulk-import-*.amp under alfresco-custom-image/amps/.

  • Create a Dockerfile under alfresco-custom-image/

  • Add the following lines to the Dockerfile:

### Apply AMPs to the latest Community repository image.
FROM alfresco/alfresco-content-repository-community:latest

# Default user and group are used to setup permissions for Tomcat process, see parent Dockerfile: Alfresco/acs-community-packaging/docker-alfresco/Dockerfile
ARG TOMCAT_DIR=/usr/local/tomcat

# Alfresco user does not have permissions to modify webapps or configuration. Switch to root.
# The access will be fixed after all operations are done.
USER root

### Copy the AMPs from build context to the appropriate location for your application server
COPY amps ${TOMCAT_DIR}/amps

### Install AMPs on alfresco
RUN java -jar ${TOMCAT_DIR}/alfresco-mmt/alfresco-mmt*.jar install \
              ${TOMCAT_DIR}/amps ${TOMCAT_DIR}/webapps/alfresco -directory -nobackup -force

# All files in the tomcat folder must be owned by root user and Alfresco group as mentioned in the parent Dockerfile
RUN chgrp -R ${GROUPNAME} ${TOMCAT_DIR}/webapps && \
    find ${TOMCAT_DIR}/webapps -type d -exec chmod 0750 {} \; && \
    find ${TOMCAT_DIR}/webapps -type f -exec chmod 0640 {} \; && \
    chmod -R g+r ${TOMCAT_DIR}/webapps && \
    chgrp -R ${GROUPNAME} ${TOMCAT_DIR}

# Switching back to alfresco user after having added amps files to run the container as non-root

** Note: ** It's not necessary to build the .amp file if you can download it via a network (FTP/HTTP/HTTPS), since the COPY command can be replaced by CURL/WGET.

  • Open a Terminal and run the following command to build the custom docker image.
docker build . -t customrepository/alfresco-custom-image:customTag
  • The new docker image was built locally, now it can be pushed to customrepository by running the following command in Terminat/CMD:
docker push customrepository/alfresco-custom-image:customTag

Applying AMPs that require additional configuration (advanced)

Note: We are going to use the alfresco-saml-distribution in order to install Alfresco-SAML-Module. This example is for testing purposes only! we are going to configure ssl using Tomcat on Linux. The recommended ways for a production environment are:


  • We are going to use the following folder and file structure:
alfresco-custom-image                            (Dir)
└───Repository                                   (Dir)
│   │
│   └───amp                                      (Dir)
│   │   │
│   │   └alfresco-saml-repo-*.amp               (File)
│   │
│   └───keystore                                 (Dir)
│   │    │
│   │    └ssl.keystore                          (File)
│   │    └ssl.truststore                        (File)
│   │    └saml.keystore                         (File)
│   │    └     (File)
│   │
│   └───Dockerfile                              (File)
└───Share                                        (Dir)
    └───amp_share                                (Dir)
    │   │
    │   └alfresco-saml-share-*.amp              (File)
    └───keystore                                 (Dir)
    │    │
    │    └ssl.keystore                          (File)
    │    └ssl.truststore                        (File)
    └share-config-custom.xml                    (File)
    └───Dockerfile                              (File)
  • Generate keystore and truststore required for ssl and SAML. Additional information can be found under alfresco documentation.

  • Append the content of "share-config-custom.xml" from saml-distribution to the one used in the alfresco-share docker image (We append content manually because it is to big for a SED command).

  • Add files to match the above hierarchy.

  • Create a Dockerfile for custom-alfresco-repository image:

### Apply AMPs to the latest Enterprise repository image.
FROM alfresco/alfresco-content-repository:latest

# Default user and group are used to setup permissions for Tomcat process, see parent Dockerfile: Alfresco/acs-community-packaging/docker-alfresco/Dockerfile
ARG TOMCAT_DIR=/usr/local/tomcat

# Alfresco user does not have permissions to modify webapps or configuration. Switch to root.
# The access will be fixed after all operations are done.
USER root

### Copy the keystore from build context to the appropriate location for your application server
COPY keystore /usr/local/tomcat/keystore

### Copy the AMPs from build context to the appropriate location for your application server
COPY amps /usr/local/tomcat/amps

### Install AMPs on alfresco
RUN java -jar /usr/local/tomcat/alfresco-mmt/alfresco-mmt*.jar install \
              /usr/local/tomcat/amps/alfresco-saml-repo-1.1.0-*.amp /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/alfresco -nobackup -force

### NOTE: This is not the recommanded way to enable SSL, it is only for testing purposes !
### We are going to add a new <Connector> to server.xml by replacing
###    </Engine>
### With
###    </Engine>
###    <Connector port="8443" 
###               protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Nio2Protocol"
###               sslImplementationName=""
###               maxThreads="150"
###               SSLEnabled="true">
###        <SSLHostConfig certificateVerification="required" 
###                       truststoreFile="/usr/local/tomcat/keystore/ssl.keystore/ssl.truststore" 
###                       truststorePassword="truststorePass" 
###                       truststoreType="JCEKS" >
###            <Certificate certificateKeystoreFile="/usr/local/tomcat/keystore/ssl.keystore/ssl.keystore"
###                         certificateKeystorePassword="keystorePass"
###                         certificateKeystoreType="JCEKS" />
###        </SSLHostConfig>
###    </Connector> 

### Enable SSL by adding the proper Connector to server.xml (using a very hard to understand SED command)
RUN sed -i "s/\    <\/Engine>/\n\    <\/Engine>\n\    <Connector\ port=\"8443\"\n\               protocol=\"org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Nio2Protocol\"\n\               sslImplementationName=\"\"\n\               maxThreads=\"150\"\n\               SSLEnabled=\"true\">\n\        <SSLHostConfig certificateVerification=\"required\" \n\                       truststoreFile=\"\/usr\/local\/tomcat\/keystore\/ssl.keystore\/ssl.truststore\"\n\                       truststorePassword=\"truststorePass\"\n\                       truststoreType=\"JCEKS\" >\n\            <Certificate certificateKeystoreFile=\"\/usr\/local\/tomcat\/keystore\/ssl.keystore\/ssl.keystore\"\n\                         certificateKeystorePassword=\"keystorePass\"\n\                         certificateKeystoreType=\"JCEKS\" \/>\n\        <\/SSLHostConfig>\n\    <\/Connector>/g" /usr/local/tomcat/conf/server.xml

# All files in the tomcat folder must be owned by root user and Alfresco group as mentioned in the parent Dockerfile
RUN chgrp -R ${GROUPNAME} ${TOMCAT_DIR}/webapps && \
    find ${TOMCAT_DIR}/webapps -type d -exec chmod 0750 {} \; && \
    find ${TOMCAT_DIR}/webapps -type f -exec chmod 0640 {} \; && \
    find ${TOMCAT_DIR}/keystore -type d -exec chmod 0750 {} \; && \
    find ${TOMCAT_DIR}/keystore -type f -exec chmod 0640 {} \; && \
    chmod g+rx ${TOMCAT_DIR}/conf && \
    chmod -R g+r ${TOMCAT_DIR}/conf && \
    chmod -R g+r ${TOMCAT_DIR}/webapps && \
    chgrp -R ${GROUPNAME} ${TOMCAT_DIR}

# Switching back to alfresco user after having added amps files to run the container as non-root
  • Open a Terminal and run the following command to build the custom docker repository image.
docker build . -t customrepository/custom-alfresco-repository:customTag
  • The new docker image was built locally, now it can be pushed to customrepository by running the following command in Terminat/CMD:
docker push customrepository/custom-alfresco-repository:customTag
  • Create a Dockerfile for custom-alfresco-share image:
### Apply AMPs to the latest Share image (at this moment).
FROM alfresco/alfresco-share:7.0.0

# Default user and group are used to setup permissions for Tomcat process, see parent Dockerfile: Alfresco/acs-community-packaging/docker-alfresco/Dockerfile
ARG TOMCAT_DIR=/usr/local/tomcat

# Alfresco user does not have permissions to modify webapps or configuration. Switch to root.
# The access will be fixed after all operations are done.
USER root

### Copy the keystore build context to the appropriate location for your application server
COPY keystore /usr/local/tomcat/keystore

### Copy the AMPs from build context to the appropriate location for your application server
COPY amps_share /usr/local/tomcat/amps_share

### Overwrite share-config-custom.xml with the one containing additional rules required for CSRF protection. 
COPY share-config-custom.xml /usr/local/tomcat/shared/classes/alfresco/web-extension

### Install AMPs on share
RUN java -jar /usr/local/tomcat/alfresco-mmt/alfresco-mmt*.jar install \
              /usr/local/tomcat/amps_share/alfresco-saml-share-*.amp /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/share -nobackup -force

### NOTE: This is not the recommanded way to enable SSL, it is only for testing purposes !
### We are going to add a new <Connector> to server.xml by replacing
###    </Engine>
### With
###    </Engine>
###    <Connector port="8443" 
###               protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Nio2Protocol"
###               sslImplementationName=""
###               maxThreads="150"
###               SSLEnabled="true">
###        <SSLHostConfig certificateVerification="required" 
###                       truststoreFile="/usr/local/tomcat/keystore/ssl.keystore/ssl.truststore" 
###                       truststorePassword="truststorePass" 
###                       truststoreType="JCEKS" >
###            <Certificate certificateKeystoreFile="/usr/local/tomcat/keystore/ssl.keystore/ssl.keystore"
###                         certificateKeystorePassword="keystorePass"
###                         certificateKeystoreType="JCEKS" />
###        </SSLHostConfig>
###    </Connector> 

### Enable SSL by adding the proper Connector to server.xml (using a very hard to understand SED command)
RUN sed -i "s/\    <\/Engine>/\n\    <\/Engine>\n\    <Connector\ port=\"8443\"\n\               protocol=\"org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Nio2Protocol\"\n\               sslImplementationName=\"\"\n\               maxThreads=\"150\"\n\               SSLEnabled=\"true\">\n\        <SSLHostConfig certificateVerification=\"required\" \n\                       truststoreFile=\"\/usr\/local\/tomcat\/keystore\/ssl.keystore\/ssl.truststore\"\n\                       truststorePassword=\"truststorePass\"\n\                       truststoreType=\"JCEKS\" >\n\            <Certificate certificateKeystoreFile=\"\/usr\/local\/tomcat\/keystore\/ssl.keystore\/ssl.keystore\"\n\                         certificateKeystorePassword=\"keystorePass\"\n\                         certificateKeystoreType=\"JCEKS\" \/>\n\        <\/SSLHostConfig>\n\    <\/Connector>/g" /usr/local/tomcat/conf/server.xml

# All files in the tomcat folder must be owned by root user and Alfresco group as mentioned in the parent Dockerfile
RUN chgrp -R ${GROUPNAME} ${TOMCAT_DIR}/webapps && \
    find ${TOMCAT_DIR}/webapps -type d -exec chmod 0750 {} \; && \
    find ${TOMCAT_DIR}/webapps -type f -exec chmod 0640 {} \; && \
    find ${TOMCAT_DIR}/keystore -type d -exec chmod 0750 {} \; && \
    find ${TOMCAT_DIR}/keystore -type f -exec chmod 0640 {} \; && \
    find ${TOMCAT_DIR}/shared -type d -exec chmod 0750 {} \; && \
    find ${TOMCAT_DIR}/shared -type f -exec chmod 0640 {} \; && \
    chmod -R g+r ${TOMCAT_DIR}/webapps && \
    chgrp -R ${GROUPNAME} ${TOMCAT_DIR}

# Switching back to alfresco user after having added amps files to run the container as non-root
  • Open a Terminal and run the following command to build the custom docker repository image.
docker build . -t customrepository/custom-share-repository:customTag
  • The new docker image was built locally, now it can be pushed to customrepository by running the following command in Terminat/CMD:
docker push customrepository/custom-share-repository:customTag