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apimetrics webhooks

Manage project webhooks and alerts.

apimetrics webhooks

List all webhooks in a Project.

  $ apimetrics webhooks [--json] [--columns <value> | -x] [--filter <value>] [--no-header | [--csv |
    --no-truncate]] [--output csv|json|yaml |  | ] [--sort <value>] [-p <value>]

  -p, --project-id=<value>  ID of project to read. Overrides apimetrics config project set. Can be found in the Project
                            Settings web page under the admin section or by using the command `apimetrics projects
                            --columns name,id`.
  -x, --extended            show extra columns
      --columns=<value>     only show provided columns (comma-separated)
      --csv                 output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
      --filter=<value>      filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
      --no-header           hide table header from output
      --no-truncate         do not truncate output to fit screen
      --output=<option>     output in a more machine friendly format
                            <options: csv|json|yaml>
      --sort=<value>        property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

  --json  Format output as json.

  List all webhooks in a Project.

  $ apimetrics webhooks
  Name         Type      Enabled Include Tags Exclude Tags
  ──────────── ───────── ─────── ──────────── ────────────
  Email        email     true    None         None
  DataDoggg    datadog   false   None         None
  Slack        slack     true    None         None
  GEn          generic   false   None         None

See code: src/commands/webhooks/index.ts

apimetrics webhooks create

Create a new webhook.

  $ apimetrics webhooks create --alert PASS|SLOW|WARNING|FAIL -n <value> --type
    torops [--json] [--api-key <value>] [--app-key <value>] [--call-id <value>] [--channel <value>] [--component-id
    <value>] [--email-address <value>] [--exclude-tags <value>] [--fails-in-a-row <value>] [--flow-token <value>]
    [--include-tags <value>] [--integration-key <value>] [--page-id <value>] [--password <value>] [-p <value>]
    [--routing-key <value>] [--severity critical|error|warning|info] [--subject-template <value>] [--text-template
    <value>] [--token-id <value>] [--url <value>] [--user-key <value>] [--username <value>] [--workflow-id <value>]

  -n, --name=<value>
      (required) Name of project.

  -p, --project-id=<value>
      ID of project to read. Overrides apimetrics config project set.

      (required) Fire webhook on these result types.
      <options: PASS|SLOW|WARNING|FAIL>

      API key to use for authentication. Used by: [victorops: required, newrelic: required, datadog: required,
      datadogevent: required, statuspage: required, opsgenie: required, opsgenieeu: required].

      App key to use to identify this app. Used by [big_panda: required, newrelic: required].

      APImetrics API call to run. Can be found in the expanded Audit Logs of the desired API call in the Audit tab web
      page or by using the command `apimetrics calls --columns name,id`. Used by [apimetrics_api: required].

      Integration channel name if different from that defined in the slack integration. Used by [slack: optional].

      StatusPage component ID. Used by [statuspage: required].

      Your email address. Used by [email: required, email_text: required, email_template: required].

      Exclude calls with this tag.

      Trigger webhook after this many successive failures. Used by all except apimetrics_token.

      The token for the flow to post to. Used by [flowdock: required].

      Include calls with this tag.

      The service integration key with Integration Type: APImetrics. Used by [pager_duty: required, pager_duty_v2:

      Page ID for StatusPage. Used by [statuspage: required].

      Password to use for authentication. Used by [generic: optional].

      Routing key to route alert. Used by [victorops: optional].

      Severity of alert. Used by [pager_duty_v2: optional].
      <options: critical|error|warning|info>

      [default: [{{result_class}}]: APImetrics: {{ }}] Template for subject line. Used by [email_template:

      [default: {{ result }}: HTTP {{ http_code }} {{ http_reason }}
      Latency: {{ response_time }} ms
      Size: {{ response_size }} bytes

      {% for key, value in context|dictsort -%}
      - {{ key }}: {% if value is mapping %}...{% else %}{{ value }}{% endif %}
      {% endfor -%}

      Result: {{ result_url }}

      ] Template for email body. Used by [email_template: required].

      APImetrics token to update. Can be found on the Auth & Tokens web page, select the desired token to see the ID. Used
      by [apimetrics_token: required].

      (required) Type of webhook to create.
      <options: generic|apimetrics_api|apimetrics_workflow|apimetrics_token|email|email_text|email_template|big_panda|dark

      URL for webhook to call. Used by [generic: required, slack: required, hipchat: required, msteams: required].

      User key to use for authentication. Used by [big_panda: required].

      Username to use for authentication. Used by [generic: optional].

      APImetrics workflow to run. Can be found by using the command `apimetrics workflows --columns name,id`. Used by
      [apimetrics_workflow: required].

  --json  Format output as json.

  Create a new webhook.

  $ apimetrics webhooks create

See code: src/commands/webhooks/create.ts

apimetrics webhooks delete

Delete a webhook.

  $ apimetrics webhooks delete --webhook-id <value> [--json] [-p <value>]

  -p, --project-id=<value>  ID of project to modify. Overrides apimetrics config project set. Can be found in the
                            Project Settings web page under the admin section or by using the command `apimetrics
                            projects --columns name,id`.
      --webhook-id=<value>  (required) Webhook to delete. Can be found using the command `apimetrics webhooks --columns

  --json  Format output as json.

  Delete a webhook.

  $ apimetrics webhooks delete --webhook-id ag9zfmFwaW1ldHlpPbCtcWNyMwsSDUFjY29lpo95kAab4GUiIHpYSTQxY2JEajkzcWRFbE5GTEVajkuY85RT7jdteFdmDA

See code: src/commands/webhooks/delete.ts

apimetrics webhooks edit

Edit a webhook.

  $ apimetrics webhooks edit --webhook-id <value> [--json] [--add-alert PASS|SLOW|WARNING|FAIL] [--add-exclude-tags
    <value>] [--add-include-tags <value>] [--api-key <value>] [--app-key <value>] [--call-id <value>] [--channel
    <value>] [--component-id <value>] [--disable | --enable] [--email-address <value>] [--fails-in-a-row <value>]
    [--flow-token <value>] [--integration-key <value>] [-n <value>] [--page-id <value>] [--password <value>] [-p
    <value>] [--remove-alert PASS|SLOW|WARNING|FAIL] [--remove-exclude-tags <value>] [--remove-include-tags <value>]
    [--routing-key <value>] [--severity critical|error|warning|info] [--subject-template <value>] [--text-template
    <value>] [--token-id <value>] [--url <value>] [--user-key <value>] [--username <value>] [--workflow-id <value>]

  -n, --name=<value>
      Name of project.

  -p, --project-id=<value>
      ID of project to modify. Overrides apimetrics config project set. Can be found in the Project Settings web page
      under the admin section or by using the command `apimetrics projects --columns name,id`.

      Add result type to fire webhook on.
      <options: PASS|SLOW|WARNING|FAIL>

      Add tag to excluded tags.

      Add tag to included tags.

      API key to use for authentication. Used by: [victorops, newrelic, datadog, datadogevent, statuspage, opsgenie,

      App key to use to identify this app. Used by [big_panda, newrelic].

      APImetrics API call to run. Can be found in the expanded Audit Logs of the desired API call in the Audit tab web
      page or by using the command `apimetrics calls --columns name,id`. Used by [apimetrics_api: required].

      Integration channel name if different from that defined in the slack integration. Used by [slack].

      StatusPage component ID. Used by [statuspage].

      Disable this webhook if not already disabled.

      Your email address. Used by [email, email_text, email_template].

      Enable this webhook if it is not already enabled

      Trigger webhook after this many successive failures. Used by all except apimetrics_token.

      The token for the flow to post to. Used by [flowdock].

      The service integration key with Integration Type: APImetrics. Used by [pager_duty, pager_duty_v2].

      Page ID for StatusPage. Used by [statuspage].

      Password to use for authentication. Used by [generic].

      Remove result type to fire webhook on.
      <options: PASS|SLOW|WARNING|FAIL>

      Remove tag from excluded tags.

      Remove tag from included tags.

      Routing key to route alert. Used by [victorops].

      Severity of alert. Used by [pager_duty_v2].
      <options: critical|error|warning|info>

      [default: [{{result_class}}]: APImetrics: {{ }}] Template for subject line. Used by [email_template].

      [default: {{ result }}: HTTP {{ http_code }} {{ http_reason }}
      Latency: {{ response_time }} ms
      Size: {{ response_size }} bytes

      {% for key, value in context|dictsort -%}
      - {{ key }}: {% if value is mapping %}...{% else %}{{ value }}{% endif %}
      {% endfor -%}

      Result: {{ result_url }}

      ] Template for email body. Used by [email_template].

      ID of project to modify. Overrides apimetrics config project set. Can be found in the Project Settings web page
      under the admin section or by using the command `apimetrics projects --columns name,id`.

      URL for webhook to call. Used by [generic, slack, hipchat, msteams].

      User key to use for authentication. Used by [big_panda].

      Username to use for authentication. Used by [generic].

      (required) Webhook to edit. Can be found using the command `apimetrics webhooks --columns name,id`.

      APImetrics workflow to run. Can be found by using the command `apimetrics workflows --columns name,id`. Used by
      [apimetrics_workflow: required].

  --json  Format output as json.

  Edit a webhook.

  $ apimetrics webhooks edit

See code: src/commands/webhooks/edit.ts